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Outfit above^

Outfit above^

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We squatted on a hill right above where Demons were enslaving humans

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We squatted on a hill right above where Demons were enslaving humans.
A man in the Cage teased the others laughing before the blue demon dug it's nails into the man's head.
Jumping down cutting up the demon. Ban jumped in the air hitting the demons flying in the air.

" mission accomplished" I Smiled dusting his hands.
" what's going on? you were looking a little rusty back there, Captain" Ban mocked.

" right back at ya!" I chucked walking over to one of the villages.
" ok, I got a question. Where did they demons manage to capture all of you guys?" I wondered.
" there's a village not far that fell for an evil trap" a man informed.

" I get it now we've got to deal with those guys" I nodded.

" I get it now we've got to deal with those guys" I nodded

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Y/n Fallflower

We all went to another village saving them from demons

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We all went to another village saving them from demons.
" scream i wanna hear more-

" you wanna hear him scream? Your a weird demon" I spoke shaking my head as we stood on top of a red demon Meliodas had took out.

Three gray demon came behind us I flew above them wrapping thorns around they're bodies exploding them.

The huge brown demon came charging over to us we jumped out the came letting Escanor deal with it.

The octopus looking thing threw the child in the air ready to devour it.
I zoomed past the demon snatching the boy out the air.

Gowther made the demon punch himself out with an arrow.
I waved my hand over the boys face heal him, a smile peeked onto my face. I waved my hands over his head healing him.
I had a soft spot for kids that's why it was so easy for me to take Ban in when he was younger.

I gave him back to his father "he's just passed out now" I instructed.
" You've done it now. Turning the Demon rave against you is the same as turning the Ten Commandments against you!" The yellow demon shouted.
" we're doing something like that" I smirked freezing the demons arms then stepping on each one.

Grey,blue, and red demons shot arrows at us before meliodas spoke.
" As a matter of fact, that's exactly who we came to take down" doing full counter taking down the demons.

" have a nice trip back to hell" Ban smiled Squashing the yellow demons heart.

We got Elizabeth to heal the towns people. Meliodas walked over to the kid " looks like Elizabeth healed you up good as new" He looked.

I flew down landing right by them, laughing " you two look like twins!" I exclaimed.
" why did you guys bother to come and save this village?" The kid asked.

" Thanks to the demons some humans have gone ashtray, we see it as our job to help out with it" Meliodas answered.

We stood infront of the Boarhat waiting for them to reveal the new look.
" ok ya swains! It's the moment you've all been waiting for" Hawk announced.
" come on Ban let's take a look!" Meliodas squealed Ban following right behind him.
" hey stop!" Hawk shouted.
They pulled the curtain off allowing us to see it.
" it's so gorgeous" I grinned looking at it.

" you scumbags! I hope you can tan over by a big fat pig and die!" He scolded.

" yeah guys that was so unkind! That was so good" I laughed whispering the last part patting their chests.

" it's ok hawk we'll feed you the best food" I told him.
" speaking of food I'm famished" I groaned hearing my stomach growl.

" speaking of food I'm famished" I groaned hearing my stomach growl

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We stood in outside Liones Castle listening to the King talk.
" To prepare imminent battle with the demon race, I will appoint a new Grandmaster" he coughed.

" The new grandmaster is... Howzer!" He announced.
" wait. Me?" He asked.
" no way. I.. I come from a family of commoners" he refused.
" it liones you kept a cool head in a time of crisis" he conducted.

" so then what's your answer?" The king questioned.
" I promise to do my very best!" Howzer smiled.

" atta-boy temp!" Meliodas yelled.
" yeah go temp!" Hawk shouted I grew confused on what everyone was saying.

" Wait. Who's temp?" I asked.
" howzer!" Everyone shouted in sync.
" ohhhhhh" I sighed.

As we walked out Barta stopped us.
" this morning, I had quite a clear vision" he told.
" about what?" I asked.
" the moon shining at midday, low-hanging fog, the eight deadly sins will gather once again" he quoted.

" I'm not seeing that moon" hawk voiced." indeed it seems the time hasn't come yet" Bartra Answered.

𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐘, meliodasWhere stories live. Discover now