22 | TOSKA

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Aadhya's POV

Did anyone ever mention that Reyhaan Singhania is the most stubborn human being I've ever met in my entire life.

"Reyhaan, can you please tell me where we're going?" I feel irked that I've been asking him the same question for the past 10 minutes and I still don't have a response.

I give up when he doesn't answer me. It's like I'm talking to a freaking brick and not a human. I am already so annoyed that I had to spend my Sunday out. I so badly wanted to stay at home and FaceTime my brothers and then watch Devil wears Prada.

This situation gives a sense of deja vu. Last week, Reyhaan brought me to a chat shop but he was so stubborn as to not tell me anything in the car. The most surprising part was when he had actually called me after reaching home.

Flashback starts

After changing to my pajamas and completing my night time skincare routine, I sat on my bed keeping my phone on the side table. I snuggled in my comforter when my phone suddenly started ringing.

I took my phone to see the screen was flashing 'SATAN'. It is a nickname I gave Reyhaan. I answered the call and he breathed into the speaker "Princess"

"Reyhaan" My breath hitched hearing his resonant voice

"I reached home safely. You asked me to inform you" He said

"Oh um good" I say totally shocked and in response I hear him chuckle.

"You just reached home?" I bite my tongue cursing myself for asking him the question

"Yeah, just a few minutes back. You're probably ready to sleep?"

"Yeah I was about to but then you called" I reply

"I don't want to ruin your beauty sleep then. Good night and don't forget to dream about me" He says cockily

I just chuckle at him "Shut up and good night. Idiot"

Flashback stops

My mind comes back to reality when I notice the shady road out of the window. The worst part is that I can't see anything outside because it's already 7 o clock and the sun has set, there is no street lamp as well. On top this feels like a hilly place. 


"See Reyhaan I know you don't like me and all. But then don't you think murdering me will be too much?" I say feeling scared. His neck snaps towards mine and he looks at me like I'm ridiculous


"Yeah. If you've brought me here to murder me at least tell me before so I can call everyone and tell them I love you for one last time -"

He stops my rambling "What on earth are you even saying? Just zip your mouth shut and for the record I'm not murdering you"

A few minutes later, he stops the car in the middle of nowhere.

He unlocks the door and says "C'mon"

I get out of the car like he did and I meet the fresh breezy air wrapping me up like a blanket. I walk forward where Reyhaan is waiting and with him I walk a little more to find a stunning view of the sky which immediately erases all second doubts.

"Breathtaking" I breathe out

"I know" he replies "let's sit"

We sit down on the rocky ground, and when I tilted my head skyward I could clearly see millions of bright stars dotted on the black sky. The thick gloomy clouds shaded over the luminous moon covering its entirety, the sky was full of glistening stars.

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