Ch. 2: Part Three

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It had been three days.

Damian wasn't happy.

'Is she ignoring me?' He glared unbelievingly at her from his seat, considering what that meant.

Nothing. Nothing for days.

The Anya that would bug him about visiting his house, to bring her dog to play with his. The Anya that would try to get his attention. Every. Day.

Was ignoring him.

He supposed she had been acting kinda funny lately, but still!

Besides the feeling of confusing disappointment he conveniently decided to ignore, he was utterly baffled. Why in the WORLD would she ignore him?!

'How dare she? I'm a Desmond!' His mind yelled.

And as if that caught her attention, he watched a shiver run down her back, and for the first time in three days, turned to look at him from her seat.

He jolted, like someone had jump scared him, which in turn startled his two best friends next to him.

She stared at him in confusion.

'Confusion? Why is she confused?' He thought, feeling oddly uncomfortable that she happened to look at him just now, when he was thinking those thoughts, for no apparent reason.

"Tch." He looked away from her gaze and stared angrily at his book, his face feeling rather warm.

Emile and Ewen glanced at each other, Damian, Anya, than each other again before shaking their heads in confused resignation.

Gasp! Anya watched him turn away. Now he's annoyed she is looking at him? He was just mad that Anya was ignoring him.


He's mad that I was ignoring him? She thought he hated her. Anya took a moment to think about this.

And then she understood.

He was arrogant. Everyone paid attention to him.

She turned back around.

It wasn't that she was trying to ignore him. Keeping it together and being overly cautious had been a task in and of itself. Her nerves were shot. She was tired just thinking about it.

'If he really wanted to, he could just come talk to Anya himself' She thought stoutly. Though she knew he never would.

Anya stood ready.

Anya stood fast.

Anya held her hands wide.

Anya forgot to move when the ball flew into the net.

Shock! Anya watched it rebound and slowly roll back out.

"Point to Wald Hall. Two to zero." Professor Henderson proclaimed.

A cheer went up on the opposing team led by Bill Watkins. An elementary student who looked more like a full grown navy seal who guarded the opposing teams net.

Cecil Hall had yet to score a goal.

"Dummy!" A certain boy yelled. "How are you so bad at this?! Stupid uggo!"

"Yeah! Stupid uggo!" His friends backed him.

"Shut up, you're being pigs!" Becky defended.

A whistle blew through the gym, quieting the children. "That's enough." Professor Henderson said. His voice rang loud without his voice being raised.

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