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It was the first time Mo Lan had met someone like Zhou Zhou, and she had a very good impression of him. He didn't answer like other players, and would explain everything in detail when asked. Even if the question he asked was too simple, he did not perfunctory.

The resentment woman's voice is not pleasant, and she speaks very slowly, but she explained the term NPC in detail, and Zhou Zhou has been patiently listening to her explanation.

But gradually, Zhou Zhou's serious and curious eyes changed. He bit his lower lip tightly, and grabbed the corners of the clothes with both hands, rubbing and twisting them constantly. After the resentment woman finished explaining, he lowered his eyes and thought for a long time before asking: "You mean the NPCs are those who exist in the game?" Before the

resentment woman nodded, he asked quickly: "Then the NPC is not a person who exists in the game?" No home, no family? Are they really created by people? They can only exist in the game?"

Although the resentful woman wondered why Zhou Zhou asked such a question, she looked anxious when he asked, Then he replied slowly: "They are~the designer~created specially for the game~plot, the appearance, character and ~every sentence~are~designed in advance, without the game, NPC~naturally~doesn't exist , it's just a program, and it's not a ~real person, of course there is no home~ and family."

Zhou Zhou wanted to refute, what he said and what he did was what he wanted to do, and it was not planned by others in advance, but when he thought of Sometimes he would say something that he didn't understand for no reason, and he had always looked like this since he could remember, and he wasn't sure.

"Then, will there be an NPC running out of the game?"

According to what Mo Lan said, if he is really an NPC, then he has been staying in the Academy of Love, and he is the NPC that exists in the copy itself, so he can only wait Do some specific actions and words there, which are planned in advance.

But he came out, came out of the Love Academy, and came to the Nightmare Capital. He can make dungeons like everyone else and have the same points. Except that he can't log off, he is no different from everyone else.

Mo Lan thought he was asking if any NPCs would behave abnormally and do things that did not conform to the settings, so she replied, "Of course~ yes."

Is there anyone like him? Zhou Zhou's eyes suddenly lit up.

"However, the abnormal~NPC should~be~discovered soon, and then~it can be repaired~."

"Repair? How to fix it?"

The hometown of the resentful girl is very remote, and the technology is even hundreds of years behind the empire. Nightmare Capital is also recently, because of the support policy of the empire, I have only come into contact with it, so I don't understand these things.

"Estimate~modify~parameters, or~delete~create~a new NPC?" She guessed.

Revise? delete?

Zhou Zhou leaned forward, and asked nervously, "Are you going to kill this NPC?" Resentful

girl: "Kill it? It's almost~ that's what it means~."

The NPC that runs out will be killed.

Zhou Zhou immediately thought of the scene where he was discovered and many people arrested and killed him. Or will they make a new Zhou Zhou to replace him, because he is just a disobedient NPC who ran away by himself.

He doesn't want to die.

He still has a lot of things to do, no love, and only a few friends. He still wants to continue to make dungeons, continue to earn points, buy a home, and...and...by the way, he just promised Al to invite him to dinner.

[MTL, BL] Love NPCs in Nightmare GamesWhere stories live. Discover now