chapter 23

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I went to bed with the threat hanging all over my head , aside from the locker incident earlier today , there haven't been any other messages .

Sash had kept insisting I tell her the truth...

I didn't.

I couldn't, she left after that but I assume she was mad at me.

Everytime I close my eyes, images of the lifeless doll....the red paint kept replaying in my head...

I couldn't sleep...not like this..

I froze when my cell phone binged, I shudder in terror when I saw that it was from the same unknown number.

My fingers trembled as I read through the messages, I should probably ignored them , but I couldn't for some unknown reasons.

"Your blood would feel nice under my knife bitch, I'm watching you"

Oh god!

At the same time, I heard a noise, it was coming from the window

I clasped my hand over my mouth to stifle back a whimper as I stare at the window in fear, I had shut it firmly closed but that hasn't stopped him before

He always could manage to open it and get me.

I prayed silently...

I prayed that he would just leave...

Why are all this happening to me? I've been a good girl for as long as I could remember

I've never hurt anyone in my entire life, at least not intentional, so why me ?

Why couldn't I be like every other girl of my age?

Tears escape my eyes as I clutched the pillow tightly as it would protect me from him.

Perhaps if I don't make a sound and just pretend to be asleep, he would leave ....

I curled around myself tightly, shutting my eyes closed .

I felt the cold breeze against my skin but still didn't open my eyes....

I didn't need to,

I knew it was him, all my nerves were on high alert... totally aware of his very presence

Each breath got difficult as I heard him approach me...I could feel his dark burning gaze on me, he sat besides me on the bed, my lips trembled violently as his fingers graze my cheeks....

He wiped at my tears slowly

" I know you're awake, open your eyes now and look at me" he whispered the command slowly

My eyes fluttered open to meet his stormy green ones, I shudder at the burning intensity I saw there

" Are you going to kill me ?...why are you doing this to I whispered shooting far away from him to the very edge of the bed

His gaze narrowed to slit as if in disapproval

" What makes you fucking think I would want to kill you?"

" You sent me ..those text me.. messages..that d..doll..why you want to kill me" I sobbed, fresh tears escaping my eyes

He clasped my shoulders non too gently

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

I flinched at his sharp tone

" You k.. know exactly what I'm talking about!"

The text, threat...I know it's all from him

" No I fucking don't, and you have just three seconds to explain everything to me"

The Bully's addictions On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara