Chapter Twenty One.) You Should Be A Therapist, Ethan

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Dedicated to the birthday girl aestheticirwin ! ❤️ Happy bday bby


Oh my...

He was kissing me. Keith was kissing me. Keith Owens was kissing me. A GangLeader was kissing me. His mouth is on my mouth. His mouth is moving with my mouth. He's frickin' kissing me.

My heart pounds in my chest as Keith cups his large hands on both of my cheeks and kisses me harder. My eyes close involuntarily and soon I'm kissing him back.

I have no idea what's going on. Sure, I've kissed people before, but not as intensely as this. My hands are bunched up against my chest, and I have no idea what to do with them, so I hesitate before reaching up and wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer. My fingers thread in his hair and I sigh into the kiss.

All too soon, he pulls back.

My arms fall to my side and we are both breathing hard. His hands move up to his hair and he looks panicked.

"What?" I'm breathless.

He shakes his head and leaves the room without a word.


Keith doesn't speak for the rest of he drive back to Marco's house. Thankfully, Marco brought me some jeans that I put on and looked at the crushed potato costume with an unexplainable sadness, I almost saw a tear as he shoved it in the truck.

Keith took the passenger seat and I sat by myself in the back, fidgeting with my fingers while he pulled on his wristband. His fingers twitched and it looked like he was trying to hold himself back from doing something, what I didn't know.

"Okay, you got what you needed?" Marco asks as he puts the key in the ignition.

Keith nods.

As soon as we park in the driveway-

Wait, rant time. Why do the call the place you park your car a driveway and the place you drive your car a parkway? Wouldn't that just completely confuzzle someone? Who decided these names?

I don't know, but it completely confuzzled me.

Okay, where were we?

Oh yeah.

As soon as we park in the driveway, Keith practically rips the door off the car when he gets out and rushes into the house. I feel a little pang in my chest when I realize he's trying to get as far away from me as possible.

Honey, that's a good thing, inner-me says. Now he'll want to get rid of you.

"Oh, shut up," I roll my eyes. I was so not in the mood for her. Thankfully, Marco didn't hear me.

"Where's the potato costume?!" Tyler demands as soon as we walk through the door. Marco holds up he broken costume with sadness. Tyler's mouth falls open and he falls to his knees.

"NOOOOOOOO!" he cries. He throws his hands up in the air and yells," Cruel world, why?! Why is this world so cruel as to do this to a poor potato?" He strokes the potato skin. I pat his head and he shrugs me away.

"We're breaking up!"

Now my mouth falls open. "We already broke up!"

"Yeah, well," he sniffs. "I'm going to break up with you again! Ha!"

"You can't break up with me twice!" I throw my hands in the air.


I stick my tongue out at him and he does the same, and we cross our arms at the same time.

"Meanie," we say at the same time.

"Stop copying me," we say again.

"You stop," we say.

"UGH!" we both go our separate ways.

I march up the stairs and to my room to see Ethan waiting there phone?

"Is that my phone?" I gasp. They had my phone the whole time? I thought they got rid of it or something.

He nods and puts it away. I'm too exhausted to try to fight for it, and I know they're not dumb enough to leave the SIM card in there.

Ethan must notice my distress because he scoots over on the bed and pats the space next to him. I smile weakly and sit next to him. He pulls the blanket over our legs.

"Can I rant?" I say after a moment of silence. He smiles and nods.

"Okay..." I take a deep breath spill every emotion I have felt since I first fell into the gangs' lives.


"...and he practically ran away right after he kissed me. Like, did I do something wrong? Was I a bad kisser? Was it my breath?"

I was currently laying down on my back next to Ethan who was laying on his stomach with his face resting on his hands and his feet kicking in the air, listening very closely to me rant. He looked adorable.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "And it's weird because I don't know why I'm worrying about this. I mean, I'm kidnapped. I should be worrying about escaping, but I'm not. Is there something wrong with me?"

Ethan ponders over this for a while before he shakes his head. I grin at him.

"Thanks," I giggle. He smiles back. I let out a huge yawn and look to see that we've-well, I've been- talking for hours and it was almost midnight.

He slides off the bed when he notices and gives me a pat on the head in his way of saying goodnight.

"Thanks for listening," I mumble. He nods.

Just as he flicks the light close, I stop him. "Ethan?"

He turns to me.

"You should be a therapist, Ethan," I whisper before sleep completely consumes me.

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