chapter 3

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Theo's Pov:
Later that afternoon

The whole day we chilled in the back yard. The dogs chased each other and one by one the hockey team showed up. It was fun but my mind kept getting drawn to Aurora. Every time she smiled I smiled, her laugh could make any miserable person feel like they are the happiest that they could ever be. I staring at her getting lost in her movements. He blond hair blowing gently in the wind, her green eyes sparkled in the afternoon sun, her bright smile spread from ear to ear as she talks with all the mums.

I feel a tap on my shoulder pulling me out of my transe. I look over to see my teammate and best friend James standing next to me.

“ Hey mate you good all afternoon you have be staring at Coaches daughter," he questions me. I turn to him and shake my head.“wait don't tell me you have a thing for Coaches daughter" he adds. His eyes practically popping out of his head.

“What, no no, I couldn't, I'm the Captain and she's ya know the Coaches daughter," I say try to play it off.

“OMG THE CAPTAIN TOTALLY HAS A THING FOR THE COACHES DAUGHTER" He wisper yelled. I pushed him in the arm to make him lower his voice.

“okay fine, maby I do, but nothing is ever going to happen, I bet she doesn't even like me like that," I say my eyes finding there way back to her. James just started to laugh. U wacked him over the head to make him stop but sadly it didn't work.
I turn around to her on her way over to us.

“Hay," she says when she gets to us. “Just wondering what breed is Buddy?" She asked curiously. Right before I can answer James cuts in.

“ I am going to go talk to Coach, you two have fun but not too much," he says before turning and walking away. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT. Did he seriously just say that. Oh my god when I talk to him next he is so dead.

“Ummm okay what was that about?" She questioned looking at me with a confused look on her face.

“i honestly don't know," I say returning the look.

Aurora's Pov: 
The feeling that someone is watching me washes over me. I look around to see the one and only Theo staring at me while talking to one of the boys. I see Bonnie and Buddy chasing each other around in the corner of my eye. Perfect, a reason to talk to him. I make my way over to the boys.

“Hay," I say when I get to them. “Just wondering what breed is Buddy?" I asked curiously. Right before Theo can answer James cuts in.

“ I am going to go talk to Coach, you two have fun but not too much," he says before turning and walking away. Not too much fun? What the hell does he mean not too much fun?

“Ummm okay what was that about?"I  questioned him looking at him with a confused look on my face.

“i honestly don't know," he says returning the look.

“But anyway like I asked, what breed is Buddy?" I questioned again.

Since that question we spent the rest of the afternoon just talking about random stuff, enjoying each other's presence.

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