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I was panicking!!! What if Sally did post that embarrassing video to the whole school!!

I manged so well ignoring her for these years and thought I'd be free but now I'm starting from square one!

But I really need to make a plan. I know she does Cheerleadering and leaves all her stuff in the girls locker room

So than ill try and get her phone and delete the video forever and I'll try and do something to get revenge

Suddenly my phone starts ringing, it was Annex.

"Heyy gurl! I need to tell you something" she says
"Okay" I say
"Okay, I may or may not have slept with Mr. Johnson..." She says
"W-wait what!? But I slept with him too?" I yell
"What!?!?" She yells
No, no, this can't be, what if he's sleeping with others or worst!?
"We need to get to the bottom of this" I say
"It's 11:00, we could try to sneak in the school" She says
"What no what if-"

20 minutes later

I know I shouldn't be doing this but she bought me coffee for 2 weeks.

Were driving and she's texting Mr. Johnson and suddenly unbuttoned her blouse and takes a picture of her boobs

Than heard a click. "What the hell!" I yelled "Relax, it's for him to trust me" She says, buttoning her blouse

"So we know Mr. Johnson is maybe fucking other girls then us and he could even fuck the other teachers!?" She says

"You never know but we have to get to the bottom of this" i say. We made it to the back of the school and right now we need to figure how we are gonna get inside

We hid the car by a tree and got to the "Emergency exit door" which is only use in a emergency but right now is a emergency

We couldn't figure how to open it. It's lock of course!

We need to find a key but how? That's when Annex said "Let's break a window" what the hell was she thinking!?

"What no i-" that's when a idea hit me

Back a couple weeks ago

A few weeks ago:

I was sitting in class as my math class and we were learning something I didn't give a shit about when the announcements went off.

"Attention all staffs and students, a student has broken a window on the 3rd floor, I repeat the 3rd floor so if anyone is on the 3rd floor please do not be near the window, also teachers please keep the students away from the window and will not be fix till further notice"

Great, I'm on the 3rd floor so it'll be soooo fun

Out of flashback:

"There's already a broken window!" I say "shhh! Where?" She asked

"On the 3rd floor, we can use the latter we "borrow" I say and I grab the VERY long latter

We drag the latter to the broken window and looked up and it's pretty high up. We sigh but still we had to try

We aline the latter with the window but it took forever till we hear someone opening a door, we didn't have time to hide and thought were done for till we see

"Mr. Johnson!?" We both yell as he had the stupid smug look on his face

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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