45: Come Back To Me

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Read the previous chapter once in case you forget the stuff going on in the story!!

Xavier's POV :

"There are several internal injuries. Her ribs have got minutely injured as-as well. They-they said she had internal bleeding too and now-now she-she is in...she is in a coma!!"

Braydon burst out crying after saying this.

I stumbled back and felt myself going numb.

I didn't know what it was until now.

I couldn't see and couldn't hear anything and just felt my body going rigid.


A whisper left my mouth and I turned around to directly enter the VIP room where my Trysta was resting. 

My fucking eyes started stinging as I see her fragile petite body lying motionlessly on the hospital bed, attached to so many machines with so many needles inside her soft white skin, and so many pipes trusted inside her nose.

I removed my gaze away from her and tried to control myself.
I can't leave her right now to fucking unalive those Russians again with my own fucking hands.

My wife needs me now.
             More like,
I need my wife right now.
We both need each other now.

I advanced towards her lying figure and sat down on the nearby chair.

I took her fragile hands in mine and kissed them softly.

"Come back to me," my voice broke as I whispered and rubbed my cheeks with her soft light hands.

"I fucking need you kitten!
Please Come back to me."

"I-I can't!!
I can't do this alone.
It's-its fucking hard to breathe without you.
Please come back to me,"

I begged and a choked sob left my mouth as I finally let it loose and cried.

I finally cried for the very first time in my whole fucking existence. I cried for my wife. I cried for my failure. I failed to protect her. I failed to keep my promise to keep her safe. I cried while hugging her warm hands to my face.

She is my solace. My home.
Where I would go without her?

I didn't know how long I wept but it when I finally stopped, it was already dark.

I wasn't feeling any better but I was feeling determined for sure.
Determined to get back my Trysta.

I looked at my wife and smiled at her.
After kissing her hand, I caressed her soft colorless cheeks lightly.

"I will wait for you.
Even if it means waiting for my whole damm life, I will wait for you.
You are worth waiting for eternity, my love.

Your Xavier will keep waiting for you and will hug you tightly the very minute you look into his eyes. Your Xavier is here with you. I have got you kitten."

I whispered and kissed her forehead and started caressing her hair.

I don't know how long I kept looking at her lying motionless.

I finally averted my eyes when the doctor came to check her with a few nurses.

"Treat her with the best team of doctors which I have assigned under you. I want my wife to be treated with utmost care and precautions,"

I said in a cold distant voice to the doctor as soon as he was done examining her machines.

I saw him smiling sadly at me.
I clenched my Jaw coz didn't need his fucking pity.

I needed an answer but still, I didn't say anything to him. I wasn't able to do so.

"We are trying our best Mr.Lewis. But still, we can't say anything just yet. With her heart problem, it was quite difficult to manage her situation but still she did cope really very well,"

The Doctor said while looking sincerely worried.

I gulped down my saliva and clenched my jaw. My fingers curled into a fist and I end up just nodding my head and looking back to my wife.

Once the doctor left the room after doing his job, I again sat down on my previous seat and laid down my head near her hand, and kept looking at her face.

For the very first time in my life, I wanted to escape the reality. I wanted to hide somewhere with my wife so that nobody would bother us.

I closed my eyes and kept remembering our moments together. A smile graced my lips as I recall all those silly moments of hers.

But I didn't know my tears were accompanying my smile until they touched my lips, giving me the salty taste of my own reality.

Published on- 30.05.23

Ik the chapter was very short but I didn't want to drag the emotions unnecessarily.

Hope y'all enjoy the chapter!

Do check out my Instagram account as I am posting reels related to Xavier's Trysta.

Next update?

Till then,
Stay safe and be happy


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