Chapter 3

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Eden gulped and took a seat by the kitchen counter slowly while she held her huge belly. "Thank you..." Lionel sighed out as he spoke the words and took a seat in the kitchen as well before he began to stare at her for a solid minute. " see you're not mad like yesterday and your..attitude wasn't helpful." Eden had to point that out. She was really hurt last night for the way he had treated her despite being heavily pregnant.

Lionel huffed out and continued on the matter at hand. Clearly he didn't give a damn about her feelings at this point and Eden began to wander what went wrong and why he was treating her this way. His attitude towards her had began to change when he was able to make money on his own without anyone's help and Eden guessed he started seeing her as a low woman not worthy of his standards.

"I want you to quit your job this instant!" Lionel's voice came out harsh and more like an order. Eden gasped and wasn't ready to get back on the subject again. She thought they had already cleared the air regarding her work until now. "We've talked about this Lionel. You know I love my job." Eden voiced out which was ticking Lionel off. "Are you going to quit your worthless job or not Eden? It's as simple as that." Lionel had to chirp in. Was she calling that thing a job. He was beyond embarrassed by her work and had to put up with it for years but after yesterday's incident, he wasn't ready and had enough being tolerant about her work.

Eden stared at him in awe. "Why are you doing this Lionel, you're asking me to quit my job, Are you still upset about last night's incident? I've already apologized but it seems you're not going to let this one slide as well." Eden said as her voice was beginning to break. "You call that a job Eden?" There was clear mockery in his tone and Eden caught on to it but didn't respond. "You seriously call that thing you do a job. I don't see it as a respectable job. Your job is just like a maid and my wife cannot do those kinds of jobs like you call them." Lionel made use of his hands as he spoke to illustrate his distaste for her job.

"I want to be independent Lionel and not depend on you. Am just 25 and don't need to be any housewife. I want to work." Eden emphasized more hoping he was going to understand her but he didn't. He wanted only his way. Lionel shooked his head in annoyance and looked up to face her. "If you seriously want to work so bad then get a proper and elegant job. Not a job that just like a maid! Grow up Eden. Am not the same Lionel who was in college. Am a man who has and sees a bright big future ahead of him and just like Mr Greyson said, I need a companion who'll walk with me instead of bringing me down in shame and humiliation." Eden's eyes were already glassy by his strong words. She knew she wasn't as smart as him and it was her fault for not working hard like him and graduating with a good degree.

Eden wiped her already formed tears from her eyes and sniffled. "You can't talk to me in this manner...Lionel!...i know am not as smart as you but that also doesn't mean you can treat me like am worthless." She said looking to find that caring husband she married four years ago but got her heart torn seeing he wasn't there anymore. Money and power had blinded him this much. "It's not my fault you were a dullard in college and never took your studies seriously. I had a clear goal in mind and i plan to fulfill it at all costs regardless of you being beside me or not." His words got to Eden right now and she quickly narrowed her eyes at him.

"What are you trying to say Lionel?" She asked almost breathless at this point which wasn't good for her unborn child but she couldn't hold herself from not being anxious about it. Lionel sighed out again and rubbed his temple. "We both know acing a standard job like an exclusive personal secretary or head of finances or any of the worthy positions is almost impossible for you to achieve." His words were cutting her deep and this time she couldn't stop herself from sobbing out. "Lionel.. you're insulting me..." Eden's voice broke instantly as she sobbed harder. "But that's the honest truth. You made it this way by graduating with a failure of a degree and now you're blaming me for humiliating you. Am only speaking the truth and I hope you know what that means, you can't ace any qualified standard job that is fit to be the one and only Lionel Bluebird's wife so your only option is to be a complete housewife." Lionel said in finality.

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