The Law

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Mostima filler and Texas goodness.

Let's get back to it.


Farsight sat alone in a small restaurant in the lower part of the slums near their current headquarters. While the place was small, it had a lovely charm, and the food smell from the outside was pleasant and appealing enough for him to try it. 

Sat on an admittedly uncomfortable wooden chair, he looked around at all the nicknacks on the walls, ignoring the looks the other customers and staff gave him. Most of their gazes were that of intrigue and had slight suspicion. 

"H-Here's your order, sir!" The voice of a pretty pink-haired feline waitress caught his attention as he placed his order on the table in front of him. His smile made the waitress blush and retreat quickly from his sight.

Farsight let out a pleasant hum as he bit into his beef burger with delight. His content noises brought a smile to the watching Durin chef, who poked his head around the kitchen's door. 

The door chime sounded, telling him someone had just left or entered. It wasn't long before someone walked by him and came to sit in the chair opposite without even waiting for an invitation from the man.

The blue-haired Sankta-hybrid sat there and watched him as he continued to chew on his burger without care for her presence or showing even the slightest hint of putting down his burger to address his out-of-the-blue visitor

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The blue-haired Sankta-hybrid sat there and watched him as he continued to chew on his burger without care for her presence or showing even the slightest hint of putting down his burger to address his out-of-the-blue visitor.

'Mostima,' Farsight thought.

Both sat there in silence as she stared at him with a smile. Farsight wondered if his lack of reaction annoyed the mysterious Mostima, that had intruded on his lovely date with his burger.

"You know that's not beef, right?" Mostima said and smiled at him innocently.

Farsight's eyes met hers as he looked at her questioningly. Then, finally, he swallowed his food and cleared his throat. "Huh? I'm pretty sure it is..." Farsight told her as he took another bite.

"People in the slums can't afford something fancy like beef, even frozen processed ones... Have you seen any cows in Lungmen at all?" Mostima rested her head on her palm as she smiled at him in bemusement.

Farsight's chewing slowed as he looked at his beef burger suspiciously. 

The waitress returned and tried hard not to stare at Farsight as she grabbed hold of her pink cat tail as it swished erratically.

"Can I take your order, miss?" The feline asked Mostima politely as Farsight continued to stare at his burger.

"Blueberry milkshake, please" Mostima smiled at the waitress.

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