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The shiny purple glow of my ray gun illuminated the whole cabin.

I can only guess to the type of expression on my face, but all sense of warmth and hospitality whipped away from theirs at the sight I presented before them.

"Okay, wait, hold on a minu-" The golden one tried to speak reason, but was quickly silenced by his silver companion thrusting a protective arm in front of him and shoving him behind his back.

I'd have thought it was sweet if half my brain wasn't currently preoccupied with making a conscious effort not to fire my weapon.

As much as I wanted to keep myself safe, I didn't want to accidentally start an intergalactic war because I accidentally killed the prince of an alien space race or something.

What would be the odds?

Maybe that was why NASA, and more specifically Carol, were blowing up all communication avenues to me right now to not be too hasty and do something stupid.

Welp, too late for that, I guess.

I lift my gun higher.

"You didn't answer my question." I repeat with a sterner tone.

The silver-coloured one glared at me with an intensity that would've made me scream and run for cover any other day of the week. But I was standing behind a mighty weapon, so that means I'm safe and I win.


My gung-ho attitude and fake bravado were quickly slipping away.

"NOM!" The golden-haired one bit into the shoulder of his friend.

"OW!" The silver one cried as he flinched from the pain, and the golden one used it as an opportunity to stand back in front.

He lifts one hand up to me in a defenceless gesture, and used the other to slip into the pockets of his pants that I didn't even notice he'd been wearing.

Honestly, I didn't even register them wearing clothes at all.

He brings out a small device that suspiciously looked like a phone and his fingers swiftly glide across it in rapid motion. Like the speed of a 14-year-old texting her friends the latest gossip.

Immediately in my peripheral, as soon as he stops typing, a golden comment pops up to the top of my chat box. Overshadowing all the rest.

Still keeping my weapon precisely aimed, I take a quick glance at my screen.

[💛We come in peace.💛]

"I FUCKING KNEW IT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

My two "guests" didn't share in my victorious emotions as they cautiously manoeuvred their way out of the line of fire of my weapon.

"Move out of the way," I then say to them, making the gesture for them to get out of the way with my gun.

"What?" The golden one asked.

"I need a clear path to the door," I simply respond.

"That still doesn't make any sense to me-"

His friend shoved him out of the way mid sentence as he fell back in the opposite direction, clearly understanding want I intended to do.

I press down on the ray gun's trigger and fire the energy blast clear through the door, it travels for several miles into the unending dark void before a mighty explosion sounded off several kilometres away.

Both men look back at me with sheer fear in their eyes.

"You were gonna fire that? In here!?" The silver one cried out. "You would've died WITH us!!"

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