the end of a bad beginning

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That's what I felt when I had to force myself to get out of bed very late at night.

Who in their right mind would dare to knock at 10:00 pm on a Thursday night ?, I thought.

Police, that's who

2 police officers were at our door when I looked through the window.
I know that my parents aren't angels, but still, they would never do anything this serious,wait! Would they?

Ugh, come on Thea open the door before anything worse happens, my conscience spoke

I opened the lock on the door to be met with said officers.

One was a woman police officer, brown hair, possibly in her mid-thirties, and tan, even though it's barely even summer, though.

And the other male, in his forties, dirty blonde hair, and pale. Both had the same expression on their two faces, to top it all off, their faces were basically drowning in my least favorite emotion.

They glanced at each other for a few seconds as if they were communicating with their eyes, 'you tell her!'.

Yet no actual verbal response for a few seconds more.
Accepting defeat after a few subtle glares they thought I wouldn't notice from the female officer, the male one took a long sigh, finally speaking. "I'm assuming your Miss. Theodora, yes? He finally started,"

"Correct and who are you" I asked, bluntly while slowly hiding back behind the door.

Taken aback by me, they stayed silent for a moment, probably realizing how high alert I am because they disturbed me at almost midnight on a school night.

"Uh yes, so sorry for not introducing ourselves before." "I'm Officer Davidson and this is..."

" Hi sweetie, I'm Officer Martin" the female that I now know as Officer Martin cut off the man presently known as officer Davidson, sentence.

"You're Mrs. And Mr. Clarence's adopt- I mean daughter, right?"

"Yes, how can I assist you? my parents aren't home if that's whom you are looking for."

It's true, the last time I saw them was around 4 hours ago. It's nothing new for me, they stopped caring about whether I knew or not when I was 11.

"About that, can we please come in ?" Officer Davidson asked.

"Sure." I said skeptical to move from my position from behind the door and let these law enforcement in.
"Please sit down." I said to them, hoping we can get over whatever they wanted to talk about quickly.

It's too late for these shenanigans. WHAT? I.need.sleep.

So might as well just get this over with...

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