21 | Unrecognizable

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TW: violence, selfharm


Alex forced us to go to school. Despite our begging, crying and even the powerpoint presentation we did on why we should stay at home.

I'm starting to think nothing can convince this man of anything. He wasn't sleeping and he lived off of coffee. Can't blame him. It's been 3 days since we last saw Kiara.

Luke started his treatment and he is feeling better about himself. Good for him.

So Caleb and I walked through the school doors and it was hell. All the girls just staring with their mouths  wide open. I had forgot what it was like. It's been some time. I mean yeah we are hot but like give us some space. The teachers feared us.

I kept wanting to turn around and go back but I couldn't. I mean we had gotten used to that Kiara wasn't in school. But now she wasn't at home either.

The first class was biology. Who puts biology as the first period on a Monday? Fuck this school man.

It was halfway through the lesson and I was begging for the clock to start fucking clocking faster. Bethany was trying to lick my face which was also disgusting.

And then the door opened. Two people walked in dressed in all black.

First was a guy. He was tall and seemed muscular and the other was the girl next to him. They both had black sunglasses hiding their identity. The girl had raven black hair and I'd never seen her before but she reminded me of someone.

"Bethany Miller?" the guy spoke and Beth jumped up. I bet she was thirsting over him. The girl frowned leaning against the wall and crossing her arms. I glanced at Caleb and he had the same expression as I. "You have legs. Fucking use them" the girl said to Bethany and that's when Caleb and I knew it was her.

I wasn't expecting to see my sister 3 days after she ran away dressed like a mafia donna but hey. I was glad she was okay. Yet concerned on what the fuck was happening.

The guy grabbed Bethany's arm and they walked out following Kie. She looked so done. I walked out of the classroom.

Seeing her made me feel uneasy. She didn't look like herself anymore. I went on the roof. We always used to go there when we skipped classes. So many emotions were washing over me and I hated it.

There was this broken bottle there. I took a shard and I was about to try this cutting thing but a voice stopped me. "I'm getting deja vu" she said. I turned around. I didn't speak. Just looked at her. She wasn't wearing the glasses anymore.

"Where were you?" I finally asked after an awkward silence. "Let's say I went on a walk" she tried to lighten the mood. "What the fuck Kiara" I exclaimed. She sighed. "I guess she can exist for this one moment" she said making her way to me. "What do you mean exist? You're right here in front of me" I was so confused. The way she talked. It was Kiara's voice but it wasn't her words.

"It's Athena now" she explained. "No it doesn't work like that. You can't just switch between your two names and give either one a different persona" I tell her. "Well I did. Deal with it" something inside her had broken. Her eyes were dark and the warmth was gone.

She stands up. "I'll be watching you" she says pointing to my arms. And with that she left. I wanted to stop her. I wanted to stand up and run and bring her home. But I couldn't. I physically couldn't move.
I texted Caleb and he came to get me. I didn't tell him the full truth. I couldn't.

I didn't have the heart to tell then that our sister had lost her mind. Or more like lost herself.


Our goal wasn't to hide ourselves from my brothers. We needed to hide ourselves from Bethany so that she would come with us. Lorenzo promised to deal with her and all I asked was for him to keep her alive.

I saw the look on Elijah's face when I spoke and I needed to keep an eye on him. So I followed him.

Our conversation was short and when I left a tiny part of me wanted him to follow me but he didn't. Lorenzo stood by the car (not the Lambo obviously). "For a moment I hoped we would shoot up the school" he said.

"We are not Americans Enz" I told him as I sat in the driver's seat. We drove for 2 hours. When we reached the forest Lorenzo got her out from the trunk. She looked horrible. "Please, you don't have to do this" she whined when I pulled the tape off.

"I'm not going to kill you. I'm way too good for that" I smiled at her. She shivered.

"However what the wolves do is out of my hand" I whispered. "No please!" she cried out. I pushed her off the road.

We left her there. In the middle of nowhere. "I thought you didn't want her to die" Lorenzo says once we were on the way back. "She won't. I have men picking her up in 10 minutes and taking her somewhere far worse. She will forever regret not dying through my hands" I say.

"Athena..." he mumbled. "What?" I asked. "We are not done with this are we?" he smirked. I smiled back at him. "Far from it. They won't know what hit them"


Alex paid for my treatment and paid me extra for me to do the treatment. It felt pathetic doing all this for a girl. But Kiara was worth it.

I overheard Elijah and Caleb talk about her when they got home. I'm still staying with them. They said something about her looking drastically different.

I wondered if it was good different or bad different. If it was too drastic I might stop loving her. I didn't want to stop loving her but I'm just a guy.

I knocked on Elijah's door and heard a muffled 'come in'. He was playing some game on his Nintendo. "You saw Kiara?" I ask with hope in my eyes. "Not exactly" he said not even looking at me. "We saw Athena" he said in a bit of a mocking tone. "Who is Athena?" I ask. "The person Kiara chose to become" he sighs.

I think he might've got hit in the head. "Did you talk to her?" I decided to ask. "Yeah. We talked for a minute before she left" he said putting down his game. "I have so many new TikToks to show her" I thought out loud.

"I wouldn't" Elijah said. "She isn't that Kie you know anymore" he continued. "People don't change overnight unless they have DID which she doesn't have" I argue. "How would you know?" Elijah talked back. "Hans tested her and I saw the results" I say.

Something's wrong with Elijah. He seems irritated and his eyes are filled with anger. I can't blame him. If I saw my twin after days and found out they became a whole different person, I would be mad too.

But there has to be a reason. There had to be something we can do. And I was certain that we would find the answer in Kiara's room.

Now all I have to do is convince Alex. Good fucking luck to me.

You get to decide the ending right now. Under this, comment if Kiara should get a happy ending.

I'm so ahead of schedule it's surreal. Like I can post a chapter knowing the next one is almost done. I might have to leave you some time to process things before publishing a new one though. 😏 (you got this one early because I need a decision on the happy ending thing so I can write whatever y'all want)


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