Chapter 4

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

Sometimes, I feel like I am surrounded by idiots and I have no way of getting rid of them. The people infront of me are screaming like they are in the middle of a fish market and not in a board meeting with their boss, that is me.

I have all the departments, marketing, finance, HR, and production heads, sitting with me to have the annual reports showcased and the whole downfall of one product, resulting in me losing millions of pounds, is being blamed from one person to another.

"If the product was marketed properly, we wouldn't be having this discussion." My head of the HR departments, Mrs. Sherly points her disapproving gaze at the marketing head. He in turn pushes it back on the production. "If the product was made to be good enough, it would have been easier to sell."

For fucks sake.

The production supervisor turns to glare at Mrs. Sherly. "The technology was perfect and described properly, but we didn't have good enough employees."

Yes, Raymond, you and I both think that and the the first to be fired would be you.

I own a technical company that mainly deals with creating the technology and softwares used in laptops, tablets, phones etc. made by other companies. But it was the first time we tried to make our own phones with the software. And it was a disaster.

"This is weird. The funds are missing." My company's CFO, Lana Shelby points the obvious out. I read the file, I know. Her job is to figure out why? Who took the funds? Why the hell are there more losses than necessary. Over five hundred thousand pounds are missing without a trace.

"Yes Lana, I know. Help me figure out why?" For the first time since this meeting started, it's quiet. All eyes turn to me and Lana shifts in her seat. I might be a nice, gentle person but if anyone fucks with the business I made with my own sweat and blood, I won't be anything my reputation let's on.

"I think we should go meet the accounts departments. They would be able to clarify. They are the only ones with straight access to the company's money." Everyone nods at Lana. She is pretty and for some reason everyone sucks up to her for that. I don't care. Until she is getting the work done, she is fine.

We walk down to the finance department's floor. It's bustling with people who all straighten up when they see us all. "I need to talk to the person incharge of all our finances. Whoever it is, come forward." I stand at the edge of a cubicle, not looking at anyone in particular. The person seated in that very cubicle, one that I somehow missed was there all along, stands, and stares me down.

Holy shit!

She is shorter than me, alot shorter, and she still stares me down. She is also the only other Indian in this office. Probably, I am not sure exactly. I sigh. Wow. How have I not seen her before? She has brown skin, slightly darker than mine, light brown eyes  that reflect the sun and look even lighter. Her black hair is wavy, it walls till her lower back. She has pushed the stands on the front of her head back with some clips.

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