7 : First Date Jitters

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Another day, another useless day of school.

You know seriously who created school?

I wonder if they woke up and just said "Hey!  Learning is so much fun I'm gonna create a place where everyone can come to learn more!"

They should be put in jail...no that's not enough they need to go straight to the electric chair.

Maybe that was a bit much, but you get my point.

"AALIYAH!" Desirée yelled as she ran down the hall to catch up with me, "Omg you won't believe what happened!!"

I guess Xavier finally asked her out.

Me being the amazing best friend I am I'm going to act like I have no idea what she's talking about.

"What happened?"

She was breathing heavily, so she stopped and leaned against a wall. "Hold on I'm sorry I need a minute."

She finally stood back up and we started back walking. "Xavier asked me out!!" she said smiling excitedly.

"Really?! That's amazing!"

I have amazing acting skills. Like seriously Zendaya doesn't even come close.

"You already knew didn't you."

"Yeah," I said with a sigh, "to be fair it was only because he asked how he should ask you out. And me being the amazing best friend I am I helped him out."

"Thank you," she said hugging me.

"Where's he taking you?"

"I don't know yet he said it was a surprise. He said to dress casually but I don't know what casual is in this situation."

"Don't think too much about it. It's not good to overthink things. Just dress how you normally would."

"Overthinking is my middle name. There's not a day that goes by that I don't overthink."

"Don't worry I'll just come over to your house later to help you pick out an outfit."

"Oh, you can't come over to my house. My moms going through one of her phases, so the house is being renovated and I'm staying at my aunt's right now. Can I just come over to yours?"

"Yeah sure just bring some stuff over and we'll figure it out."

We were walking down the hall to our first class when I saw Lucas and Xavier talking. Then Brooke came up to them and said something to Lucas.

Now normally I wouldn't care but why is she talking to him? Lucas said something back to her and Xavier started laughing.

She then walked away angry about what he said I can assume. I wonder what that was about.

"Hey, guys," I said walking up to them.

"Hey." they both said at the same time.

"Hey, hermosa," Xavier said smiling.

"Hi, Xavier," Desirée said back. She was blushing.

I guess she figured out what he was saying.

Lucas and I looked back and forth between each other and then at them.

"Do you guys know if you made the squad?" Lucas asked breaking the silence.

"Oh we don't know yet we haven't looked," I replied, "do you want to go look Desirée?"

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