CHAPTER seventeen

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Hello dear ones, here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy reading as much as enjoyed writing it. Happy reading ☺️☺️☺️☺️


It has been forty-eight hours and I haven’t touched Christodia, yet. I have been walking on eggshells around her making sure not to make any mistakes so as to not further damage the already ruin relationship between us. I don’t want to lose her again. I don’t want to go through that again. So, even though it is killing me not touching her, I’m willing to wait.

But I know I won’t have to wait for long because I can see the disappointment on her face every time we wake up. She wants me as much as I want her and that isn’t a lie. The frustrated look on her face makes it bearable for me, a little. At least, I’m not the only one suffering.

I want to see how long she can last with me cuddling her every night but not doing anything further more than that.

I know she loves me and I know that those hateful words she said to me has no truth in them. I will make her eat her words.

Our son, Bright is now attending one of the most prestigious schools in town. He is one cute boy. Handsome and smart just me. I should be angry with Christodia for taking away all those first times in his life from me. I should have been there for his first words, first laugh, first walk, everything but since he turned out so well, I will let it go.

I am doing my best to clear all misunderstanding with Christodia. I have given the file I had on Empress, including her confessions. For now, I believe she now knows it was stupid to run away. I could never hurt her not to talk about killing her for having my child. I am a lot of things but I’m not a monster. I can't kill my own child.

I’m truly hurt by her thinking that of me but I’ve let go of pain. We have both suffered. The only thing I want to exist between us is love and trust now. I wanted her to have a taste of hell when she run away. It was a promise I made before I found her but I’m not going to that. I don’t want her to harbor thoughts of leaving me again so I won’t do anything to her. Rather, I will shower lots of love on her to make her adore me.

Now that the issue with that witch is resolved, I have to make my number one queen know that I am keeping her by my side because I love her not because of her father’s debt. I would have to have a talk with her father.

She lost all hope after talking to her father, I remember. So, this would have to be done well. I want her changing her attitude towards me after talking to her father once again but it should be for the positive not negative. I couldn’t believe that throughout the three years she was away she never once contacted her family. That is how bad the relationship between them has been.

Moreover, I don’t want to be one to build a wedge between herself and her family though I was the one who started it all, I will be the one to end it.

It is a week day and Bright is at school. He has adapted well with his new environment and I’m so proud of him. I was at work trying to concentrate on the papers in front of me that needed my attention but someone at home had all my attention without even trying to.

I’m trying to constrain my lust for her but it’s not working. Maybe it was because I walked in on her this morning while she was giving our son a bath. She was all wet and the wet clothes on her made all those curves that I have missed very much stand out prominently.

Her body hasn’t really changed as I thought it would. I thought women’s body change after giving birth but hers haven’t. maybe I should take all the clothes off to see it clearly so as to be sure. I mean the feeling is still the same when I cuddle her but I would have to do a lot more to determine whether it is the same or not. Will she also taste the same I wonder?

This girl will kill me. I am turn on by just thinking of her and for three years in her absence no woman could make me feel this way.

Believe me I tried having other women but it always felt so wrong, like I was offending someone. I never knew meeting the right one would do that to me. I am totally whipped.

I remember that my dad used to say to  me that ‘have all the fun in the world with women but the moment you get married, the moment you meet that special someone, it will all comes to an end and other women will look like stones to you.’ I laughed it off because I ever doubted, I, will be all over one woman but here I am.

Growing up, I have seen and watched how my dad adored my mom. He treats her like a piece of precious artifact. It was the kind of feelings I wanted to have when I got married. The moment I meet Christodia, I just knew she was the one. True, in her absence women didn’t appeal to me at all.

I left my office and went home. I won’t be able to concentrate anyway. I had to have her. the papers will have to wait. So, home I went ready to spread some legs and have some ass and boobs bouncing on me.

God, the dirty little things I want to do to her. I smiled to myself whilst making my way home.

It's about to go down.

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