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Even though we lost Sebastian and George in the end, we still won because seeing as how we have all of their wild cards, I don't think either of them would be disturbing us any time soon.

We won. I won. I got everything I wanted. I defeated the high lord. My parents are back, alive but not quite well but they're back. So why do I still feel like this is just the beginning?

My mind is my most powerful weapon and it has never wronged me. Now it's telling that something is coming, something big. It's a silly thought, I know since we've dealt with all my problem but I can't shake the feeling.

Everything is over now and it feels boring, no puzzles to solve, no looking over my shoulder, no trouble. I miss being paranoid. My heart doesn't feel as ever heavy anymore and it's a good thing, but it was for almost three months, so how do I deal with it?

Everyone is back in empty school, the headmaster said he'd send words to the parents for the immediate resumption for the students. Nate and Jessica are in the infirmary, getting treatment. They seemed fine at the end of the fight but injury ran deep. Nate fractured his ribs and fingers while Jessica's skull cracked a little from the impact of when the creature threw her against the wall. She should have healed on her own but the magic she used was too much, which blocked her from healing. But it's all good Nurse Grady assured us they'll be fine in no time.

I took the biggest hit but somehow I feel perfectly fine, just tired and relieved. There's just one more mystery to solve. Marco Arihmatheo. He wanted me to remember a spell, I do remember it but I'm not sure what'll happen if I say. Arihmatheo is so many things, a devious, cunning bastard topping the list. What if he knew he was going to die and the spell is the way to bring him back? I'm a very curious person and George mentioned somethings about him that I'd like to confirm. I mean, what's the worst thing that can happen?

Unwrapping my arms around my legs, I sit criss cross and stare at the fire burning in the fireplace, I've been sitting here since I came from visiting Nate and Jessica in the infirmary. Doing the–

"What are you doing?" I yelp at the sound of the familiar yet unwanted voice.

I turn my head to glare at him. "What the hell, Nate? You scared me." He's leaning casually against the doorframe, looking good as new. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the infirmary?"

He shrugs and dip a hand into his pocket, he leans away from the doorframe and stalk towards me. "I'm too pretty to be locked down," he jokes and I cock my eyebrows, not in the mood for his jokes. "Nurse Grady discharged me."

"What about Jessica?"

"She's fine but Grady wants to observe her overnight. She's never experienced magic block before, she wants to know how long it would take before Jessica can heal herself again. It's a load of shit if you ask me, she should leave my girl alone." He stops in front of me and asks, "what are you doing here? You should be resting after everything."

He's right, I should be on my bed sleeping but I can't. I'm exhausted mentally, physically and emotionally but I know I won't sleep until I know what Arihmatheo's spell mean. And it's a good thing Nate is here.

"Hey, Nate. Are you tired?"

"Why?" He asks, his voice laced with curiosity.

"I need your help with something."

"I smell a mystery," he smiles and squats down in front of me. "What do you need? Tell me it's as to do with magic."

I nod and he yells 'yes' like what happened today hadn't. "When Arihmatheo's had me in chains, he was threatening me but he told me to say a spell if I survived. I don't know what the spell does, he didn't give me a clue either, he just asked me to say and I was thinking about saying it now. What do you think?"

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