Day 24

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  In the morning, Hyunjin and Felix sat in Hyunjin's room, not much conversation passing around but they did say a few things as in their usual good mornings and Felix's question interrogation. The younger silently ate a snack while looking at his phone. On the other hand, Hyunjin was staring at Felix's phone, watching every single message he got. The boy scrolled and scrolled on Instagram, finding nothing of interest. Before he could scroll, a notification popped up in his DMs.

  Hesitantly, Felix opened it.

'Ayo bb, you have no right to be looking this fine.'

Stranger liked your story

'You're pretty ass out here making my dick hard 💦 '

Stranger sent an image

  Felix shut his phone off instantly and almost chucked his phone as he shut his eyes. It took him a minute to remember how to breathe before he realized Hyunjin was still right next to him. With a panicked expression he looked over at a seemingly calm man.

  "I-I'm sorry you had to see that. It-... I..." the patient placed a stiff hand on his thigh.

  "People are stupid."

  "What-?" He whispered out.

  "People. Are. Stupid."

  "I mean- you aren't wrong but wouldn't that mean everyone's stupid?"

  "They are. We're all stupid." He sighed out turned back to facing the blank white wall.

  The doctor hummed, slightly surprised at his words. Yet still, the doctor looked away from the patient and more at the wall as well. "People aren't stupid I would say." Hyunjin's eyes were latched on the blonde. "We all have our stupid moments. But I guess, idiotic is a better fit."

  The small sound from the brunette gave Felix the assurance that he understood. He felt that an uncontrollable smile formed on his face as he glanced back at the patient who still left his hand on Felix's thigh. Being the person rrehe was, the brunette realize and retracted his hand, feeling a small amount of heat float up to his cheeks. He looked away and folded his hands in his lap, pursing his lips as if nothing happened.

  Then, the patient looked back at Felix seeing how the blonde stared at him and scooted closer. Said blonde eyed the patient who reached across his body and leaned forward. The doctor leaned back, not expecting this kind of thing from Hyunjin. He opened his mouth to say something when the older moved back to his postion, holding a phone in his hands.

  A blush of embarrassment hit him.

  Felix quickly looked to see that Hyunjin began typing an aggressively mean paragraph to the person, making sure to add violent threats and other harmful words. With one blink, it was sent. Felix hastily snatched his phone back and read everything the patient said. A sound of refusal caused the blonde to give Hyunjin a glance, seeing that he had a smug smirk. His hand wrapped around the phone, his slender fingers tightly holding it as he pulled it back. The blonde watched at Hyunjin added an extra cuss word before closing out of Instagram and deleting the app.

  "H-" The patient smoothly placed a finger on his lips, silencing his from speaking.

  "Just scroll on Tik Tok. No more Instagram." He said as he handed back the device.


  "Shh!" He hushed again, before sliding his finger down the boy's lips. "Don't... move."

  The older stared at Felix's eyes, but he ever so slightly gazed at his lips, his face inching closer. A red built up on his lips as the patient gently pressed his lips onto the doctor's, moving his body even closer to his. His hands fell onto Felix's neck and back, pulling him closer. The blonde was shocked to the core and didn't dare move as the patient slowly attempted to progress the kiss. That's when Felix pulled away. His eyes locked onto the hard black ones.

  "Come on. The others are waiting for us." He urged, pulling the younger off the ground as if nothing happened.

  With a blush on his face, Felix followed, not say another word after that to Hyunjin.


  The four men quickly moved away from the four doctors, looking at them all in a strange way. All the said doctors seemed all too quiet, and most importantly, flustered. It didn't take a genius to piece it all together.

  "So did your patients kiss you too-" Felix asked abruptly when Seungmin's jaw dropped.

  "Hyunjin did what?!" He shouted, Felix quick to cover his mouth. In the other group, the others looked over at us, the brunette of the group smirking, knowing exactly whay they were talking about. Minho and Jeongin stayed silent with a look of shock.

  "SHUT UP!!!" He scolded him silently. "Why are you so red if he didn't kiss you?"

  "All he did was say some really...unusual things. His voice dropped like THIRTEEN octaves." he answered, his voice shaking in embarrassment.

  "You're lucky all he did was kiss you Felix..." the youngest whined. "That handsome bastard almost took of my fucking shirt and I will admit that I would've let him."

  Minho had a bright red face at this point, pursing his lips and looking away from the group. Felix saw his reaction and smacked his shoulder, "What. Did. He. Do."

  "I swept linen..." He whispered out, hardly understandable.

"What? You swept linen?"

  "I fucking slept with hin okay! Shit. I'm sorry that fucking man is so hot and cute and he's just so UGH FUCK!!!" He slammed his fists on the table then his head.

  Felix's jaw dropped. So did the other two's.


  "Shut. Up."


  "Shut. The fuck. Up."

  Felix looked over at the patient group and they were laughing about something. His eye caught on Jisung who had a few marks on his neck. "Holy shit..."

  Jeongin squeaked. "WERE YOU TOP OR BOTTOM?!"

  "YOU FUCKING NOSY-" Minho flicked Jeongin in the forehead, causing the boy to hiss out in pain. "MIND YOUR BUSINESS!!!" He spat.

  "Wait, no I actually want to know now." Seungmin continued for the youngest.

  "No this isn't the problem right now. The problem is, is that if any of our bosses find out we are dead fucking meat." Felix retorted to the two nosy maknae. "And that's a dumb question, Minho is a tsundere, of course he bottomed."



His Doctor // HYUNLIXWhere stories live. Discover now