The gift

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Jimin hadn't forgotten Mrs Jeons words and had decided to do what he thought was right.
He spoke to a lawyer to get things going.
Meanwhile the unnamed relationship between the two carried on.
Although they didn't spend every night together they did spend lunch times if they could together.
Jin and Namjoon came back and moved into their apartment and new jobs.
Jimin relayed Jungkooks offer and Jin eagerly took him up on it .
The company filtered tidbits out to the media about the growth of their company, new arrivals and that a meet and greet was to be held at Jins new cafe called,
Suga agreed to go and Taemin said he'd turn up to mention what a great company it was to work at. Jungkook rented Jins cafe for an hour and a half, paying for the rental and food and drinks supplied, although Jin was willing to do it for free for the advertising but Jungkook insisted.
On the day of the event, jimin knocked on Jungkooks door.
"Hey Jimin want a lift, I'll get my stuff.."
"Wait Kookie, I have something for you,"
Jimin handed an envelope over and Jungkook looked at it.
"What's this?"
"Open it and see stupid!"
Jimin giggled.
Jungkook opened it and took out the document he read it and frowned.
"Jimin what's this ....."
"It's a one percent share , my gift handed over to you,"
"But that makes me the majority in charge?"
"That's right,"
"But why?"
"Because it's the right thing to do, our fathers may decide things with a coin toss but I believe credit is given where it is due, you made this company, I shouldn't have the deciding say."
"I can't take this...."
"Well you have to it's done, legally this time."
"Thank you Jimin..."
"No problem....,"
Both left in Jungkooks car.
"Well I better get ready for the event, Taemin is picking me up."
"Your going with Taemin why?"
"He asked," Jimin shrugged turning to go into his office and get ready.
Jungkook sat at his desk drumming his fingers, why did Taemin want to take Jimin and why hadn't he thought to ask him first.
Didn't Jimin know Taemin liked him?
Jungkook felt a jealous heat go through his body, if Taemin tried anything......
He looked out and saw Taemin arrive at Jimins office so he quickly got his things together catching them both as they left Jimins office.
"Hi Taemin, didn't know you were picking Jimin up can I cadge a lift?"
"Kookie you have your car?"
"Well it makes more sense to go in one, you know parking might be bad if a lot turn up."
"Oh I didn't think, Taemin?"
"Oh yer sure, if you don't mind sitting in the back Jungkook?"
"Sure no problem."
Ha he thought, try it on now mister.
He sat in the back getting annoyed, Taemin was driving Jimin next to him, he kept telling Jimin funny stories making him laugh and casually patting Jimins thigh.
"Here we are," Jungkook said loudly.
They all got out the car, Jungkook deliberately walked in the middle as they went to the cafe.
Once there Jin came up and was introduced to Taemin, Jin asked what they would like and Jimin went with him to fetch it back.
Suga wandered over, Namjoon with him.
"Hey Taemin how's it going?"
"Suga great to see you again, glad Jungkook and Jimin got you onboard,"
"Yer, I see Jimin got you to work harder...."
"That little cutie could get me to do anything for him."
Jungkooks fists clenched.
"Here Jungkook a Jin special he makes the best coffee," Jimin smiled at him passing him a drink. He smiled back in a way that made the smaller blush.
"Hey Jimin can I speak to you a minute?" Taemin asked grabbing Jimins elbow and pulling him away.
"Oh...., someone looks jealous," Suga said to Jin and Namjoon nodding towards Jungkook who was busy staring at the other two.
Namjoon winked then drawled," well Jimin deserves to have someone he can be with don't you think?"
"Sure does, hopefully he's not like the other losers he went out with...."
"Well I can't see anyone else going after him so....."
"Excuse me guys I just need to do something."
Jungkook walked over to Jimin missing the chuckles from the ones he left behind.
"Jimin it looks like the press are all here, shall we start?"
He pulled Jimin to a microphone and the event began.They introduced themselves and their company and the way their company was going forward, they thanked Jin for the use of his wonderful fascilities and said he was the husband of one of their newest recruits Kim Namjoon, well known in the US who had brought his skills here to their company. Namjoon stood up and thanked his husband for holding the event and asking everyone to become regulars, then explained how he'd be helping the company then introduced Suga who already well known said it was great to start afresh in such a good company and he'll wasn't the coffee good here, earning a lot of laughs. Taemin spoke about how his decision to perform more for the company was because he knew them to be hard working and successful.
The media then asked Questions, some for Jin too as he explained he wanted his place to be relaxing where workers could come and sit for a while, or work with no fear of disturbance.
The questions were nearly done when one reporter asked the two CEO's if they always agreed.
Jimin took the Mic," mr Jeon is the major shareholder so will always get the main vote, this company was his before I ever got here, thank you for attending and please feel free to stay once the event is over you can see what a delightful place this is, enjoy,"
Applause greeted him and he stepped away.
"Thanks guys for using my place I hope it will be successful," Jin said worriedly.
"You've got this babe, it will be fine,"
"Well you've got me as a client, best coffee and those little cakes where did you get them?" Jungkook asked.
"I make them, I enjoy cooking, you should come over with Jimin one day I'll cook a meal."
"Your on, talking about Jimin where is he?"
"Oh that Taemin guy took him out, Jimin asked me to take you back to work." Namjoon said.
Jungkook grit his teeth together, what was it with that guy why didn't he leave jimin alone?"
The cafe gradually cleared but some people stayed for more and then new customers came in, Jin could be seen to give a huge sigh of relief.
"Told you babe, now I gotta go, any problems call me," Namjoon told his husband.
He and Jungkook drove to work both disappearing to their work areas.Jungkook hurried to his office hoping to see Jimin in his but it was empty.
He turned his computer on to work but his gaze kept drifting to the office across the hall. Eventually he couldn't stand it anymore and rang Jimins number. Eventually he picked up.
"Jimin where are you?"
"Home I got Taemin to bring me,"
"Why didn't you come back to work?"
"Well Taemin wanted to show me some ideas about a new song so we went to lunch and chatted about it,I was a bit concerned as it sounded familiar I knew I had something like that on a disc at home so he brought me here so I can find it."
"Your both at your house?"
"Well yer......."
"I'm coming....."
Jungkook didn't give Jimin time to finish he clicked off the line grabbed his car keys and left.
Jimin shrugged why had the other sounded so anxious?
"Trouble?" A voice behind him said.
"What?...oh no nothing, let me make a coffee then I'll look for that disc."
"I hope your wrong Jimin, but the more I think of it I'm beginning to wonder if I have heard it before and that's why I like it...."
Jimin went and made coffee then he got an old hard drive out plugging it in and skimming through it frowning.
Some music sounded and Taemin who had been pacing swung around coffee in hand not realising how close he was to Jimin who suddenly felt the hot liquid hit his back soaking his shirt.
"Oh shit Jimin sorry, quickly get that shirt off,"
Jimin was half out of his shirt when the door went.
"Can you get that please,"
Taemin went, Jungkook stood at the door and walked in, suddenly seeing Jimin shirt undone and Taemin with a guilty look on his face.
"What the knew I was coming over but decided you had time for a quickie anyway?"
"What?,it's not..."
"Not what, not like your partly dressed with a guy that fancies you?"
"Taemin fancies me?"
"Oh act the innocent why don't you...."
"Shut up!" They both said as Taemin spoke.
"Why are you acting like this Kookie?"
"Because I thought we had an understanding..., I thought you liked me as much as I do you..."
"Too right I'm jealous, your mine nobody else's ..."
"Oh Kookie."
"Er Guys..?"
"What!!?" They both yelled at Taemin.
"Well for one thing,Jimin get that shirt off that coffee must have burnt, two who wouldn't fancy Jimin he's a cutie and three you two need to tell each other how you feel, me I'm going, Jimin we will catch up later about that song." With that Taemin left hurriedly.
"Your burnt? Let me see..."
"Huh now your worried I thought I was supposed to be trying it on with Taemin?"
"I'm sorry ok, it's just....., let me see..."
Jimin huffed and finished taking off his shirt,hissing as it pulled away from his reddened skin.
"First aid kit?" Jungkook demanded.
Jungkook fetched it and a cool flannel and towel. He made Jimin sit down and gently wiped the red skin then patted it dry before finding some cream to cool the redness down. His fingers were gentle.
"I'm sorry Jimin I was a total ass."
"Yes you were,"
"But can't you see how it looked and the others kept on about you and Taemin and I know what a flirt he is."
"I'm not responsible for other people, why blame me and what do you mean I'm yours? You never say how you feel , we fuck we eat together that's it, no dating no  acknowledgment of feelings....?"
"Neither do you..., your like a closed book where the pages are opened occasionally , (sigh) let's date,Jimin will you be my boyfriend?" Jungkook asked earnestly.
Jimin sniffed," I'll think about it now go get me a too I'm cold.!"

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