Nine - Catalina

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The house is palatial. Gigantic. Enormous. It makes my father's home look like a small anthill.

"I am not fit to be seen here," I whisper, clutching Marcos's hand for support. "They will know."

"No one will suspect a thing. We have been travelling all day and will retire to our room. You'll see the housekeeper who may well think you ill-attired—"


"—but she will not say anything unless she wants to lose her job. I shall make sure of it."

"You will not get her fired for looking at me with suspicion. Especially as she should be doing just that at the thought of my being a countess."

"Your mother is a countess. You are properly attired, you have just been travelling."

By which he means he and I laced up my dress this morning and it is in no way fitting properly. The broach is securely in place today, holding the shawl over a dress that wiggles a lot more than it should each time I take a step. "I look like I lifted the dress off a woman who has far more going for her in the bosom department," I snap. "So do not mock me. Let's just go in quickly where I won't have to be seen."

"You are the one who has stopped walking," he points out, gently tugging me up the wide stone staircase. "Shall we?"

I can't even nod, but he accepts my silence and pulls the bell three times before pulling back to stand beside me a respectable distance from the doorway, our one small bag still in his hand.

"Bienvenidos," a slim older woman greets us in a deep curtsey when she opens the door. "What may I do for you?"

"Is the duke in?" Marcos asks, smiling brightly. "We've been told of his excellent company by my good friend the duke of Valparaiso."

I resist the urge to stare up at him to find out if he really knows the duke of Valparaiso. That could tip her off, so I won't be doing it. I keep a smile plastered on my face and my eyes firmly glued on her ear. Because her eyes are too scary. She'll see right through me.

"My wife and I would be most grateful for his hospitality," Marcos continues. "The new countess of Córdoba is weary from our terrible night on the train or I would not impose on his kindness."

"You are most welcome," the housekeeper beams and ushers us inside. "His excellency would be pleased to hear his good friend the duke of Valparaiso has so exalted his hosting skills."

"It must be a large part down to you," I say with a smile. "Has your tenure here been long?"

Her brows knit together and Marcos's hand squeezes my own.

"I have been here all my life, your grace," she answers, turning down a hallway illuminated by small candles sitting in the alcoves. "I apologize the candles are low. I wasn't expecting guests this evening, but I will have them replaced immediately, now that you are here."

"It would be most appreciated," Marcos says with a smile. "We've had a very long day."

"We will dine at ten," the housekeeper says, stopping in front of a large wooden door with an ornate golden knob. "Is that acceptable?"

Marcos looks at me and probably notices that it looks like I'm about to lose my lunch.

"That will do, yes. My wife is feeling a little unwell. If she is unfit to attend, I should like food brought for her."

"Of course, your grace. Please ring if you need anything else." She pulls the door open to reveal a sliver of an ornately decorated room with the most beautiful view I've ever seen.

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