Why the curses?

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In Hastinapur Palace

As Duryodhan was pondering on why destiny was so cruel towards his friend, he could not help but ask the man who most likely would have the answer to each and every question that is there in the world.

And so, turning his gaze which was lingering on the occupants to gage their reactions, he looked at the man standing in the middle of the court, and spoke, "Why Devarshi? Why did my friend had to bear the burden of these curses?"

Hearing the question, all of the occupants, especially the ones who cared about Radhey turned to look at the sage, who shifted his attention to Duryodhan, and spoke, "Putra, the reasons for his curses are not difficult to guess. A curse of forgetting his knowledge, of dying helplessly and the one where the chariot wheel would be held by the mother earth. If you put them all together it's pretty obvious that for causing the most harm to Radhey these curses should take effect together, and in the most important war of his life.

And that was how he would have perished. A warrior whom no one could touch, until his three curses came together to tie him in the binds of fate. "

Duryodhan at that interrupted the sage, and spoke, "But the question still remains Devarshi. I know he is an unparalleled warrior, but why did he deserved those curses?"

Devarshi seeing Duryodhan's haste and worry smiled, and spoke, "Be patient Putra, I was just coming to that."

At which he shifted his gaze at the audience of the court and spoke, "A few weeks ago, in this very court a cordial little game was being played. In this game there were two sides. Where the first side was playing to get revenge for the humiliation which their Jyeshtha suffered at the Rajsuya Yagna by the hands of the other side, the other was playing with greed and the aspiration of winning everything from the first side, which they never considered as their brothers."

Hearing this everyone lowered their heads, except the women who were a little uncomfortable remembering the day after which so much had happened. But without paying attention to anyone's reaction Devarshi continued speaking, "Honestly, if things would have gone the way they were supposed to, none of you would have been sitting here peacefully."

At this he turned at the Pandavas, and spoke, "If things would have gone how they were supposed to, Radhey would not have directly interfered in what was happening, but would have tried to instigate you brothers to protect your wife through his words. In other words he would have insulted you in hope that you would break and try to save your wife.
But, that would have not led to anything, as you all would have acted how you were acting that day. And so, the sabha would have continued."

At this Draupadi felt a chill ran down her spine, not daring to imagine what would have happened had Karna not decided to interfere in the sabha on that accursed day.

Sensing Draupadi's distress, Devarshi turned to look at her, and with a gentle smile spoke, "You would still have been saved Putri, but the future which now looms over Aryavrat would have been completely different."

With these few words of reassurance, Devarshi brought Draupadi out of her dark spiraling thoughts. After which he turned back to look at the sabha and spoke, "But in that scenario, the future of Aryavrat would have been doomed by a war with a magnitude which has never been seen or heard before. A war that would have left this entire world trembling and weeping because of the destruction it would have caused, and a war which would have led to the destruction of this entire clan."

Hearing which, everyone gasped in shock, and turned their gazes at each other. Realizing what that game could have caused them, they all were thankful for the interference, and were ready to hear what more Devarshi had to say.

Seeing everyone getting composed from the knowledge of what could have happened, Devarshi continued, "In that war Adharma would have resided in each camp, the only question would have been which side has more of it."

At this Bheem again stood up, and spoke arrogantly, "What Adharma are you talking about Devarshi? As far as I and everyone here can see, only one side would have Adharma residing in their camp, if that war was to happen."

Hearing this question Devarshi smiled, and with a voice filled with Sarcasm spoke, "Yes my dear Bheem, from when does staking your own wife became Adharma. Thank you for reminding me, I will brush up my knowledge on Dharma and Adharma, once I am done with my job here."

Not expecting such a response, Bheem was stupefied, while the Kauravas were trying to hide their smiles seeing the expression on Bheem's face.

But not paying any attention to Bheem's reaction, Devarshi continued, "Where was I.
Oh yes, Adharma would have resided in both the camps, the only difference being the magnitude of it. Which would have been tipped by the action that was about to happen in that accursed game of dice. And which means that the fate would have sided with the Pandavs, and for them to be victorious few pieces would have to be put in place before the battle would have even started.

You see in that battle three warriors would have participated from Kauravas side, which no one in the Pandava camp including Arjun could have defeated, namely Mahamahim Bhishma, Dron and Radhey. And so, deceit and treachery would have been the only option to triumph that war, and hence it would have been used."

Hearing about which Arjuna stood up, and spoke, "Devarshi, I accept that I might not be able to defeat Pitamaha and Guru Dron, but how can you say that I can't defeat Karna?"

Devarshi smiled at the question, and replied, "Because of the simple fact that you can't, putra Arjun. You have faced Radhey twice by now, and if you are judging him based on how he fought in those battles, you are extremely undermining his capabilities. Let me tell you a secret, at Kala Pradarshan he was merely retaliating to the arrows you launched at him, plus his objective there was merely to show that you are not the best archer in the world, and by performing all tricks you did, and by easily countering all your attacks his objective of proving his point was successful. And at Draupadi 's swayamber, he accepted her choice of choosing you and so he had no interest in engaging with you in a battle. "

At this Bhima again spoke up, "But Devarshi, Arjun has Gandiva, how can that sutputra even hope of defeating him in a real fight?"

At which Devarshi laughed, and spoke, "Does putra Arjun really have his Gandiv, Bheem? Last I remember putra Yudhishthir lost that too in the game of dice.
But coming back to the question, do you remember Duryodhan instructing Arjun to hand over his Gandiv to Karna, which Radhey decline to accept. Why you think he did so?"

While remembering that Arjun no longer has Gandiv, both he and Bheem glared at Duryodhan who innocently smiled at them. After which Bheem turned to look at Devarshi and spoke, "Because he was an idiot, and he let such a weapon slip out of his hand."

Hearing which Duryodhan chuckled, and spoke, "Oh Bheem, how you always reach the wrong conclusion amazes me. But let me tell you a secret, Radhey already possesses a celestial bow, plus his kind heart did not allow him to take advantage of the situation and keep what Arjun cherished so much for himself. "

At this everyone who had no clue about Karna possessing a celestial bow were just looking at Duryodhan with a dumbfounded expression, while Devarshi simply smiled and spoke, "Yes, what Putra Duryodhan said is the truth. Radhey already possesses a celestial bow, but he doesn't need to use it. He prefers to depend on his own strength and capabilities, rather on the strength of his weapon.

But coming back to the main point of this discussion, for defeating these three warriors fate had to put few pieces in its place. And that's the reason behind the curses which Radhey received in his life, just to make sure that he could be at least killed if not defeated in that war."

At this different thoughts and emotions were racing through everyone, but no one was more furious and restless as that of the woman whose husband's fate was being discussed in the Sabha. Vrushali was not only angry, but heartbroken as well. She could have never imagined the games that the fate were playing with her husband, and so she couldn't help but ask, "Devarshi, we are always told our actions determine our fate, and if that is the truth how can fate presume someone's actions and try to manipulate their destiny and life."

TO BE Continued

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