3- The Beach

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"I am his girlfri-" She was cut off by someone talking on the phone. "She is lying!!! I wanted to call to check on you. I don't know why she would say that." Mason pleaded with me. This was the way out I had been looking for. "Mason, I think that we should break up. This has really shown me how different our lives are becoming." I said to him while trying to hide my emotions. I know this breakup was for the best, but it still hurts. "Have a good senior year of high school." I hung up the phone after saying that. I could feel the tears coming and decided that tonight was not the night to be at some boy's house with all his famous friends.

I tried my hardest to stop the tears, but that was a lost cause. Instead I just walked into the house and just snuck out without anyone seeing me. I got into my car and started it before speeding out of the driveway. It was only then that I let the tears fully come. Nothing could stop them. Even though I was sad, it was also tears of happiness. This meant that I wouldn't feel guilty about starting a new life here.

Gavi's POV

Jules had stepped out to take a phone call like an hour ago and I started to get concerned. I went outside to find her only to find no one. I walked back in and looked around to see if she had come and I just didn't notice. I still couldn't find her. I pulled my phone out and called her.

"Hello?" She asked when she picked the phone. "Where are you at?" I responded. I heard her take a deep breath. It was almost as if she was holding back tears. "Something happened to my family and I had to leave. Sorry for telling you. I just got scared." I could tell that her voice was raspy from crying so I knew she was telling the truth. I then spoke next, "Oh.... Well, have a good night and I hope we can hangout some other time." We exchanged goodnights and I hung up before walking back into the house.

Jules' POV

I got off the phone with Gavi right as I was pulling up to my house. I got out of the car and walked into my house. All the lights were off and I assumed everyone had gone to bed. I quietly crept upstairs to my room. I heavily flopped down on my bed and hoped that tomorrow I would wake up and this was all a dream. Something was bugging me about that girl tonight on the phone. It bugged me that deep down I still felt jealous of her. I pulled my shoes off and scooted up my bed. The second my head hit the pillow I was out.


I woke up this morning feeling better than I did last night. I picked up my phone to see that I had the normal notifications that people have in the morning. I was hoping deep down that there would be one from Gavi, but I treated him badly last night by running off. It was so perfectly timed how I had just put my phone down when I vibrated again. I rolled my eyes and picked it up. When I saw who it was I got butterflies.


I walked into the restaurant. It was a chill beachside smoothie bar. I looked around when my eyes fell on Gavi sitting at a table. I walked over to him and sat down. He looked up at me and opened his mouth, but I cut him off. "I am sorry for running off. I feel really bad and you were just trying to be nice. I just feel like a shitty person for leaving you hanging-" He cut off my nervous rant by putting his hand on mine. "It's ok. I get it." His voice calmed me down and I melted under his touch. After I realized that his hand was on mine, I pulled it back and looked down at my feet. "You can always rant to me. I get it. So...." He trailed off. "What happened?" I looked up at him and decided if I should tell him or not. I took a deep breath and just YOLOed it. "I broke up with my boyfriend from back at home." As I said that, I couldn;t look him in the eyes. He stayed quiet and I don't know why, but I kept talking. "I fell out of love with him and it needed to happen, but it still hurt. You know?" I finally looked up at him and he nodded. It was comforting.

We had smoothie bowls and talked. It was a much happier subject we chose to talk about and I was feeling better. My phone vibrated again and looked down to see what it was. It was irrelevant. I looked back up at Gavi only to see him staring at me. Right when I looked up, he looked away, but I had already caught him.

"Want to go for a walk along the beach?" He asked me as we both stood up. I looked at my phone to see that it was only mid afternoon. "Sounds fun." I exclaimed as we walked out and across the street. I ran ahead of him and sunk my feet in the sand. I looked up expecting to see him smiling, but he wasn't. I got confused as he came up to me and pulled me into a hug. He put his hand up to cover my face. I was caught off guard, but hugged him back anyways.

Gavi's Pov

I was watching as Jules ran across the street with a smile on her face. I observed as her long blonde hair fell down and framed her face perfectly, how her skirt and tank top made her look like a goddess, and how her bright white smile melted my heart. I was looking at her when I saw a flash and I looked to my side to see paparazzi taking pictures of her. I got a little mad and my smile quickly faded as I made my way over to her. I pulled her close to me and covered her face so they couldn't get a shot of her. I didn't want her in the public's eye yet. I was just starting to like someone again and I couldn't handle what happened with the princess and I.

I shot the guy taking photos with a dirty look and led her away from them. "What was that about?" She asked me when I finally let her go. "Paparazzi. Sorry I just didn't want them to get your face." I responded and looked over my shoulder to make sure they weren't following us. She laughed and it instantly calmed me down.

Just as thought we were going to have a moment she sprinted off. "Race you!!!" she yelled as she ran off. I didn't think twice, I just ran after her. After I caught up to her I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into a sitting position in the sand with me. It took us a minute to catch our breaths. "So, how have you been adjusting to Barcelona?" I asked her as I fell back to a lying position on the sand. "Good- well actually I have no friends and have no knowledge of the area. I really have just been taking to the sky to play soccer and laying in my bed." She chuckled. "Well now you have a friend because you have me." I said it and immediately regretted it. Not because I didn't mean it, but because it sounded so cringey. She laughed and nodded.

We were still holding eye contact when I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out to see it was an invite to a hangout tonight at Pedro's. I looked up at her with a smile. "How about you break your usual routine and come to a hangout with me tonight. We could have a redo of last night." 

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