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I was confused about last night. Radeon seemed proud about my hunt, but later his mood seemed to change and he was upset that I wasn't controlling my emotions better.

I can understand that the Archanum had questions, but so did I. This whole biological change within me was just as new to me as it was to them. I was still getting used to all of these new senses. So many new thoughts, feelings, ideas and concepts were overwhelming.

I stared down at the dried blood that still covered my arms and clothes. I slept like this. I grabbed a change of clothes from the transport ship, ignoring the looks I got from the others.

I saw a lake not far from here on my hunt last night. I would go there to bathe. I would sneak away and enjoy a moment to myself, with real water, unlike the nanex aboard the Anaxis.

My mood lifted at the thought of a good swim, at the thought of cool water slipping across my skin. I turned and left the camp to walk towards the lake. The air smelled sweet, almost floral.

As I walked closer to the lake I saw a man sitting by the shoreline. As soon as I came close enough to see him clearly I recognized him. He was one of the men who had been watching me last night.

He was staring at me now, his eyes wide open. I could tell he was shocked to see me. I didn't know why. Maybe it was the fact that I glared at him last night, or maybe it was because I was still covered in blood.

"Hey.." I called out to him hesitantly. He jumped at my voice. "I'm sorry for startling you." I continued, my voice quieter.

He nodded at me wordlessly. His eyes watching my every move. I tried walking towards him, but he remained where he was at the shore. It was obvious that he didn't want me anywhere near him. He looked at me carefully before finally nodding. I took that as a sign that I could approach him and sat down next to him.

We sat there in an awkward silence for a few minutes before I apologized for my behavior last night.

"I didn't mean to be a bitch last night. This is all new for me too and.. I didn't exactly ask for this whole.." I motioned to my body. "well you know.." I said trailing off awkwardly.

He gave me a look that said he knew exactly what I meant. But he said nothing. I smiled at him. He smiled back tentatively.

"I was going to take a swim and wash up but I can come back later."  I said looking around. The sky was bright blue.

"No!" he suddenly blurted out. When he spoke again his cheeks reddened slightly. "That is.. That is, no problem.. Um... I'll go."

"oh.. okay. I'll see you later then." I replied.

With that, he turned and started walking away from the shoreline. I watched him leave through my peripheral vision before getting up and stripping off my clothes. I couldn't wait to hop into the cool lake water.

I dove right into the cold liquid. It was so soothing. After ten minutes of scrubbing I finally got the blood off my arms.

"What do you think you're doing?" I heard from behind. I whipped around to face the culprit. He stood with his arms folded. His muscular forearms bulging.

His lips were set in a hard line. "You shouldn't have wandered off alone." He gritted out.

He stalked over to me, splashing one foot after the other with no care that he was drenching his clothes in the process.

"Don't do that again." he looked down at me with eyes darkening into a deep reddish pink. He was now chest deep in the water. My heart began pounding fast. This wasn't how I expected this confrontation to go.

He moved around in the water, circling me like a cougar and it's prey. He was very close to me, only inches away. I could feel his hot breath against my neck.

I turned around and my hands flew up automatically, grabbing his shoulders. I leaned into his touch as he snaked his arms around my waist. I didn't even realize that I was touching him. I had to remind myself to breathe.

"Sorry." He pulled back from me, taking a step away from me like he had committed a heinous act. "I shouldn't have touched you."

"No." I protested. "I want you to." I assured him as I placed my hand on the side of his face and guided him back in.

He leaned in slowly and kissed me. Our tongues danced with each other, our lips molding perfectly against one another's. His hand found it's way into my hair, pulling me closer to him. His other muscle bound arm wrapped around me, gripping me tightly against his brawny body. He felt so powerful, so safe.

After a minute, he broke away from me, breathing heavily. His gaze burned into mine. My lips were swollen and moist. His hair was disheveled, sticking out at odd angles. I could taste the saltiness of his spit in the back of my throat.

I licked my bottom lip and bit it gently.  He growled lightly and leaned in, capturing my lips with his own once more. He moved me forward until my body was pressed to his chest.

Suddenly I was very aware of my own nakedness under the water. My stomach tightened painfully as I became aroused. I moaned softly as he ran his tongue across my bottom lip, begging for entrance which I granted him without hesitation. I opened my mouth slowly, letting his tongue explore my interior. The sensation was incredible.

Our kiss went on and on until we both needed more air. We broke apart panting heavily. Our eyes locked together as we both caught our breath.

He was smiling at me, his eyes showing his delight at being able to claim me like this. He cupped my chin and raised my head so that he could look me straight in the eyes.

"Thank you. For trusting me and giving me your trust." He said softly. "I won't hurt you."

"I know you won't." I said smiling.

A little bit of warmth in this chapter. Nothing too spicy yet! Comments, and votes are appreciated and always give me motivation to continue. I love to hear from you guys!

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