Chapter 8

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Riccardo got worried for her leg as she ran on her injured leg. He asked her in a worried tone
"Princess, does your leg hurt?"

She shook her head and kept looking at the cartoons playing on his phone.

Riccardo silently signals Clemente to check her leg to which he nods. Clemente slowly stands up and crouched down in front of Celestia and carefully checks her leg. Celestia squirmed in discomfort but gets shushed by Riccardo.

When Clemente opened the bandage he was shocked to see that her wounded leg gas almost healed. Looking up at Riccardo he motioned toward her wound and he too got shocked.

Riccardo gets up after settling Celestia on the sofa.

"Princess you watch cartoons while I do big people talk with Clemente. Okay." He told her and she mumbled a small 'okay'.

He walked a little away from her with Clemente followed on.

"How come it healed so fast? It was a heavy wound for a kid," stated Riccardo with a frown on his face.

"Dad she was malnourished, tired, and sad. Maybe she got enough rest and food to heal it but still, it's too fast...." trailed off Clemente. He is also stunned by her fast healing of injuries.

Both were in deep thought and then Riccardo said with a wrinkled nose
"I should try to bathe her can't have her smelly again."

Riccardo has a doubt in his mind but he dismissed it, thinking that it is not possible.

Clemente chuckled and they both walked back toward Celestia and Archer where they saw her trying to climb on Archer's shoulder. Archer had an uncomfortable face, he looked up at his dad and pleaded with his eyes but Riccardo smirked with amusement shining in his eyes.

Riccardo is very much amused to see her trying to get along with everyone without any fear. Only Domenico is left, he already scared her enough with his cold attitude, may be they'll get along. The sight warmed his heart and happiness bloomed, she will make introduced himself and his sons to happiness again.

When Riccardo's wife died their life became dull but Riccardo tried to be there for his children. For him, he lost a second time the most important person in his life.

Gazing at Celestia he promised himself that this time he won't let anything happens to her.

He came out of his thoughts and focused on her half hanging body from Arthur's shoulder. He thought to now free Arthur from her so walked towards them and picked Celestia from behind through her armpits then turned her towards himself.
She looked at him with a small shy smile.

"Why are you climbing his shoulder?" asked Riccardo softly with a raised eyebrow.

"His hair looks nice. Fluff." she said slowly then turned to look at Arthur whose eyes were already on them. He raised an eyebrow at her and she blushed, turning away from him.

Arthur's lips twitched, happiness bloomed in his heart, he tried to control his smile and Riccardo smiled at her trying to approach his son.

"Princess do you want to take shower and play with the bath toys," asked Riccardo cautiously with a smile on his face.

Celestial thought for a long moment then hesitatingly nodded and looked up at him asking
"Will you be with me and no want burns?"

Riccardo and Arthur listened to her attentively and they felt their anger rising listening to her and wants to kill those bastards who abused her but they controlled themselves and Riccardo gently assured her

"You will not get any burns and yes I will be there with you or I can ask one of my sons to bathe you."

Celestia's fear reduced listening to this and she felt happy that Ri-Ri cared for her.

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