Jeff The Killer x lost teen daughter reader

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(Your 14 I'm sorryy I'll do an actual child one soon but all of the scenarios I come up with involves teens opps💀)

Your: POV

Sighing I continue to tap my fingers on the wooden table as I  watch my mother down another beer. She keeps on rambling on how my father was a monster and she wouldn't of dated him if she knew how he actually looked. 'Apparently he wore a medical mask through out there relationship I'm just confused on why would you even date someone with out knowing how there face looks..' Hearing a bottle break I quickly whip my head towards my mom seeing her holding a now half broken beer bottle I tilt me head.

"Uh what are you doing??" I ask seeing her tear stain face I frown in confusion. "D-Did you know y-you're father was a- murder.." she asks her word slurred and hard to understand. I raise my eye brows as she says that. "Uh your definitely delusional..I know dad wasn't a great person but I don't think he'd kill anyone.." I quietly say I watch as she angrily stomps closer to where I sit. "Don't call h-him that monster your dad he isn't and he will never will be! I-i made sure to leave no traces behind when I ran away with you..i-i wouldn't have..had  to leave everything behind if I didn't meet him.."

She yells as she looks down at the floor I quickly stand up after hearing what she said. "Wait..doesn't that mean he's some what tracking me down?" I ask she glares up at me and points to the front door. "Leave. Now. I d-don't like you talking about him. I'll let you back in when I feel like it.." she says while approaching me and pushing me towards the door. I push against her and turn my body toward her to stop her. "What why? I didn't do anything all I did was ask a question-" I get cut by her fully shoving her body weight into me causing me to stumble out of the front door.

"H-hey wait-" I get cut off by her slaming the door into my face. I step back in alarm and stand there for a few moments as I question myself on what just happened. Scratching my head in confusion I softly sigh and start walking towards the forest. 'Wow..wasn't that wonderful. I don't have any memory of my dad probably because right after my mom told him she was pregnant she dipped..I wonder what he was like..was he like me..I mean probably my mom is always yelling how she hates how similar I am to him.'

I softly chuckle as walk into the forest hearing what sounds like my name being called. I turn around to see a group of three girls i tilt my head in confusion. "Um do I know you?" I say as one of the girls steps forward. She glares at me and tilts her head mockingly "Mhh..No. No I don't think you know us. But we just wanted to talk to you for a second.." she says while her and her group walks closer to me "oh..okayy about what? And please make it quick i'm kind of busy." I say while glareing at one of the blond girls.

They all laugh as I say that 'Ugh man I'm getting a bad feeling.' All three of them surround me "Did you sleep with our boyfriends?!" One of the girls yells into my face I push her back as she does so. "What are you talking about? Of course I didn't..I barely know any of the guys around school." I explain "you're such a fucking homewrecker.." I hear one of the girls whisper behind me. Quickly turning around I'm about to say something but get cut off as I dodge a knife being aimed at me.

"What the fuck!? Did you really try to stab me over a guy!?" I yell as I kick her in the stomach. She falls to the ground looking over at the other girl I see a red pocket knife in her hand. She quickly trys to stab me stepping back I barely dodge her hit. Feeling pain and something run down my cheek reaching up i feel a some what deep cut now on my face. 'This fucking bitch..I'll show her something to complain about..I need something to release my anger on anyway.'

Slowly stepping towards her I smile softly "I'm so sorry..but I didn't touch your boyfriends..but I did touch your mom last night. You should of heard her moaning my name~" I mockingly say rushing infront of her I punch her face. She falls to the ground as she's down I take the chance to kick her in the stomach. Hearing running behind me I step the side I narrowly dodge the girl that I previously pushed. Looking down at her hand I see a large kitchen knife. 'What the...a-are they trying to kill me? Not..if I kill them first'

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