46 - Check the calendar for me

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Now we know and are certain of who took the photo of Chris driving and Dodger laying his head on Chris's shoulder...😍😍😍
Those photos and videos are so cute and they look so happy!

*Mia pov*

It's been a few days since I threw up and...I'm still doing it...
Yup...I try to avoid the thing with Chris cause he'll only get worried, but I know my body and I'm pretty sure what this is.
So after Chris and Grace left to go to Carly's house so that she can play with her cousins for the day, I walked into the bathroom and took the whole box of pregnancy tests...just to be sure.
It's been a couple of months since Chris and I started trying and last month we had no luck, but I fell like this is it!
I patiently wait, well maybe not so patiently, till the timer on my phone goes off and take a look at the tests...

~ Few minutes later ~


Incoming call from


My Queen 💙

Bubs 🤍
Hey gorgeous! Just wanted to know if you wanted those awesome hamburgers for lunch

My Queen 💙
That be nice!

Bubs 🤍
Ok, imma get them and come home!
See you soon love!

My Queen 💙
Ok, thanks!

I set the things we need for lunch on the kitchen counter and when I'm done I wait for him sitting on the stool.
"I'm home!"
"Mhm I can already smell it!"
"It's insane how good these are, come on let's eat!" He says happily kissing my cheek while I take out our burgers and fries.
We eat as he tells me how ally three of Carly's kids and Grace tackled him to the ground before he left the house and that Carly took a video of them.
"I want to see that video"
"Carly said she's gonna send it to you later"
"Can't wait! Ehy...I was thinking, we never actually really sat down and talked about me adopting Grace"
"Oh right"
"I mean I know she considers me her mommy and I consider her my daughter, and I'm really happy with that, I guess I just-"
"Want to make her yours legally"
"How about we do that on our wedding day?"
"You think it is possible to organize that?"
"Yes, I just have to talk with my lawyer"
"Yay! This makes me so happy!"
"Makes me happy too!" He says kissing my lips a few times

We clean up the kitchen and I start to pick a movie out for us to watch Chris is changing into comfier clothes.
He comes back a couple of minutes after and before he comes to sit with me I ask
"Babe would you mind looking what's written on the first day of February?"
"We already got the new year calendar?"
"We do"
I watch him as he walks back into the kitchen and flips through the calendar pages, then he makes a face and turns to me
"Why...wait!" He says smiling big and almost running in the living room, gently sitting next to me
"What?" I ask
"February page says 'baby Evans is due this month'!"
"Really?" I ask him smiling
"Babe..." he says as a few tears escape his eyes and I can't help but let mine fall down my face as well
"This for real?"
"Yes it is"
He brings me into the most loving hug we have ever shared and kisses my neck multiple times before he pulls back, cradles my face in his hands and looks me straight in the eyes
"Oh god, we're having a baby" he says just above a whisper and I nod my head to him
"You happy?"
"Happy, I'm fucking thrilled sweetheart!" He says bringing me closer to him again "that's why the other night you-"
"Yeah...and my period was a few days late so I took three tests this morning after you left"
"I wanna see those"
"Here..." I say taking them out from the hiding spot
"It's real..."
He looks back up and me kisses my lips and after making me lay down, he lifts my shirt and kisses my belly
"Our baby is in here"
"It is" I say pushing my fingers through his brown hair and lightly massaging his scalp.

We stay hugged for some time while we talk about the fact that I'm going to have to tell my boss about this and that we'll keep this a secret to both friends and family until our wedding at least, oh and I'm going a have to tell the lady from where I bought the dress that we'll probably need to make some adjustments...
When the excitement dies down a little we put on a documentary And we both end up falling asleep for an hour or so.

"Mhm, hey baby" I hear him say "not sure how comfy you are like this"
I open my eyes and allow him to readjust my body completely on top of his
"Love you"
"Love you too"
"I was thinking that apart from Scott as my best man I wanted to ask Seb too"
"That's a good idea, he'll be happy"
"Yeah, what if we invite him and his mom Georgeta for the Fourth of July party at my mom's and I'll ask him there"
"Sound s good to me! Plus I'm sure that Bonnie would loooove to see him again"
"She told you she'd come?"
"Yup, she answered to me late last night, and she also told me that her and Seb are keeping texting"
"I know right!"
"You can't even imagine how happy I feel" he says "you're giving me everything I've ever wanted"
"It's the same here Chris" I say before sweetly kissing him.



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Liked by Chrisevanslover83 and 1.934.274 others

chrisevans I feel so fucking lucky to have you and so utterly in love with you @mia_w 💙

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User1 Cutest couple out there!
tomholland2013 Bro that's the Spider-Man kiss...don't steal my moves!
Chrisevanslover83 Could they get any cuter?!?

A/n pt.2

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