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Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

Evan couldn't deny the obvious anymore.

It came to the point that Nigel had him so far gone that even after everything that has taken place... He doesn't even care. If anything, it made him want Nigel even more.

So much so to the point that Evan had Nigel over at his house this time. He didn't avoid his family by going to Nigel's because this time, it was different. That very desire and want for him was too strong to ignore now. It had him wanting Nigel by his side.

"So...you have truly reformed my son?" Evan's dad questioned Nigel as they all ate lunch together.

"I wouldn't say that. That's too specific, I reformed no one. He has always been this way, he just had people holding him back." Nigel says instead, glancing over at Evan who had his eyes locked onto him.

His dad noticing such a stare and just forces a grin.

"So you say."

"So I say." Nigel nods, causing his dad to frown. "You're too judgmental."

Evan's dad narrowed his eyes onto him as Nigel kept eye contact with him. Continuing to eat silently and not breaking such eye contact, and eventually... The stare was broken by his dad as he became uncomfortable by such a thing.

"He makes it hard not to be. He's done so much."

"Still, I was judgmental too, but I'm happy I gave him a chance." Nigel kept his stance, still keeping his eyes locked on his dad. "People that are highly judgmental usually have something they're hiding within themselves that they're insecure about. In the end, projecting onto another."

Evan already knew his dad wouldn't like what he said.

"You know what," Evan stood up, everyone looking at him, "This food...is ass. I haven't even eaten anything. The more you spout...the more I lose my appetite. Nigel?"

Nigel raised his eyebrow, seeing Evan nod at the door.

"Let's go, I want to take you to a good place."

"Okay." Nigel didn't question it, grinning as he got up. Already aware of the glare on Evan's dad face that was directed at his own son. It didn't change until he was gone out of his sight.

And even when they were driving to the mall to the restaurant Evan spoke of, he was silent. Nigel just looking at Evan who's cheeks were pink.

"Thank you for...sticking up for me." Evan finally spoke, glancing over at Nigel who just nods. "Also, thank you for staying over this weekend."

"It's fine. If you didn't ask me, I would've asked you."


Nigel nodded surely, causing Evan to smile shyly. Only to look forward as they got to their destination. He was happy just to be alongside Nigel either way.

With Nigel by his side as he walked to where he wanted to go. For some odd reason, too shy to speak.

Nigel was well aware of such shyness as he found it endearing. He wasn't sure if it was out of fear...but it soon became obvious that that wasn't the case.

"This place has the best chili fries and hotdogs," Evan tells Nigel, grabbing his hand some as he pulled him forward towards the menu, "I wanted you to try it."

"How nice of you, I didn't even know this place existed." Nigel murmurs, grabbing a menu as he looked. "I'll try whatever you recommend. I trust your judgement."

"Nigel..." Evan smiled, seeing Nigel snicker as he gave him the menu.

"I'll walk out and you surprise me. I want to be surprised."

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