Chapter 22

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Holy shit, I don't know if I can actually do this. But when I look at him, I know I have to. Now I just need to figure out where to start. From the beginning, obviously, my brain tells me.

I take a deep breath in, "ok, so five years ago, Levi and his mom moved in with my dad and me. At first, I was really excited. I don't have any biological siblings, so the thought of having an older brother was awesome. He seemed really nice, a little over-protective but that's what brothers were supposed to do right?" He nods his head back at me.

"I remember the first time he hit me. Emma and I were in my room, gushing over this guy in Levi's grade that had asked me to the dance. He was the first guy that had ever asked me out. After Emma left, Levi came into my room and he had obviously been listening to our conversation. He said that the guy was a douche bag and all he wanted was to get in my pants. He started telling me that he wouldn't allow me to go out with him and this pissed me off. I yelled at him saying he couldn't control me and then he cracked me in the jaw. I ran crying to my dad, who grounded Levi for a month. The next day Levi told me that if I ever ratted on him again, he would kill me. The look in his eyes scared the shit out of me and I honestly believed him."

"After that, pretty much anytime a boy talked to me, flirted with me, basically just looked at me, Levi had to "teach me a lesson"," I say with air quotes. "He learnt quickly that if he beat me in places that I could easily cover the bruises with my clothes, no one ever knew what he was doing. So needless to say, he never hit me in the face again and no one was the wiser." I take a breath and look at Oliver. The look in his eyes frightens me, and I can feel the anger rolling off of him and into me through the bond. I take another deep breath and continue with my story.

"A little over two years ago, Levi joined Alpha Jake's pack and I prayed that he would move into the pack house, but he never did. When I asked him why he wasn't, he got mad at me and said he needed to stay so he could protect me. I never understood why he would say that when he was the one that was always hurting me, not other guys. At least with him being part of the pack now, meant he wasn't around quite as much."

"Then one day, out of nowhere, Alpha Jake showed up at our house. I had answered the door and he was shocked to see me. Turns out that Levi had never told him he had a sister. Alpha Jake said he was here to pick up his new Beta which confused me and made him laugh. He could tell I obviously didn't know who he was talking about; so, he told me that Levi had challenged the former Beta of his pack and won. Actually, he had beat the living shit out of the guy and Alpha Jake had to pull him off the guy. At that point Levi walked into the room and from the look he gave me, I knew I was in trouble. When he came back that night, he told me it was irresponsible of me to be flirting with an Alpha and he dislocated my shoulder for being so stupid."

"For the last two years I've tried to stay away from guys because somehow Levi always finds out. I've never told anyone anything about him. Even Emma doesn't know anything. But it's not exactly easy to just stop every single guy from ever talking to me." I let out another sigh and look up at Ollie not knowing how I am going to tell him this next part, but I know I must. "And then I met you" I give him a sad smile knowing he is going to explode at this next part.

"So, it's gotten worse since I met you. Almost every time I came home after being around you, it made him spiral. Obviously you noticed when he broke my ribs and my femur, but-but" I start to tremble and he grabs my hands and gives them a tight squeeze, "but he's also touched me" I draw out the word not wanting to admit it. "He's been calling me a slut and saying that all I want is for guys to fuck me now."

He interrupts me "what the fuck do you mean he's touched you?" he snarls. I shake my head not wanting to say it out loud. "Tell me Adelaide!" he commands in his Alpha voice.

I whimper away from him but can't fight the command. "He stuck his hand down my pants and rubbed my private area" I say in shame. I can feel his entire body tense and the rage inside him is becoming uncontrollable. I hurry to finish telling him everything before he loses it.

"I'm sure you've heard but with today being Emma's birthday, well it turns out she found her mate, and it's Levi. She told me at lunch, and with everything I was feeling from the heat, I ran out to the forest and shifted to get away from everyone. I couldn't take it anymore. I started running but noticed there was another wolf following me and it turned out to be Levi. I was screaming at him that I couldn't let him hurt her too. He just laughed at me and said he would never hurt her." I spit the last word out not believing it would really make any difference.

"And then that's when he noticed it. I'm not sure how, but he knew we've fucked. I kept telling him that you were my mate, not understanding why it was such a big deal to him. And then he said that I'm just a fuck toy to you, or else you would have marked me. And that's why I freaked out on you earlier, because this whole time all I've been thinking is how anyone could want me after all the shit Levi's put me through. I'm so fucked up Ollie! And I started thinking that maybe, maybe that was all you wanted was just a fuck because I didn't know why you wouldn't mark me." I let out not realizing how much I'm crying now. "I'm so sorry Ollie. I'm sorry I fucked up and made you mark me, and I'm sure now you probably just want to reject me" I say to him defeated.

He pulls me tight into his chest and I cry my eyes out until there is nothing left in my body.


I sit there holding Addie to my chest as she cries. Pure rage courses through me as I try to comprehend everything she has told me. Make no mistake, I will kill the fucker for everything he has done to her. I knew that something was off, but never did I think it would be this dark. She's clearly learnt to put a front up over the past five years, for no one to figure it out. Fuck how did I not figure it out! And she thinks I would reject her for what this scumbag did to her? Not a chance in fucking hell.

I notice that she's stopped crying and I look down at her, and my heart aches to make her feel better. "Addie" I say calmly to get her attention. She slowly looks up at me. "I will never reject you, it would break my heart to. And none of this is your fault, I need you to know that. You are the strongest woman I have ever met, and I love you more than anything." I breathe out and smile at her. The faintest smile crosses her lips.

"Please, don't ever think for a second, that you were just a fuck for me, because you're not, you are so much more. You are my mate and I will spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to make you happy. And I am so, so sorry that I ever let you doubt how much I want you. Can you ever forgive me?" I ask her. She nods her head up and down and I grab her chin and lean down until my lips are just brushing against hers. "I love you Adelaide, and I accept you as my mate" I tell her and then I touch my lips to hers.

The kiss is passionate and longing, but I break away from her. I need her to hear what I am going to say next. So, I sit her up so she's staring straight into my eyes and I cradle her chin in my hands. "I am going to fucking kill him Adelaide. There is no way he is getting away with what he's done to you!" I say huskily.

She gasps at my words "you can't!" is all she says.

I growl "what the fuck do you mean I can't?" at her, trying to contain the anger that is starting to boil in me again. "I can't just do-nothing Addie. He's been beating you for years and now he's sexually assaulted you!"

"I know, believe me I know!" she says softly. "But you can't" she puts her hand to my chest trying to calm me down. "He's mated to my best friend now and if you kill him the bond will break her!"

"For fuck's sake!" I let out exasperated. I didn't even think about Emma and I knew that they were mates, because Bash came to me this morning after he found out and it was like someone had driven over his dog. "Well what the fuck am I going to do then? I can't just let him get away with what he's done to you!" I groan.

"I don't know, but please Ollie, don't do anything until I can figure out what to do with Emma. I can't let her know what he's done to me, but I also need to protect her. I don't believe him for a second when he says he would never hurt her."

"Ok" I take a deep breath "we'll figure this out together" I tell her and pull her back into my arms again, not ever wanting to let her go. 

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