Chapter 29

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Carter's pov

I was storming across the living room at home- the one where I grew up with my parents.

It feels familiar and foreign at the same time.

"Carter, we need to talk," my mom softly confronted me as Lillian and my dad followed behind her and she locked the door.

"Look, I know I did and said some things I wasn't proud of in that room but I really don't see a need to talk about this," I took a deep breath trying to keep my tone in check.

"Kiddo, you threw Johannes' cane out the window- and broke the window..." my dad scratched the back of his head not sure how to go about this.

Neither do I.

I was just fed up at the moment and did everything on impulse... I know I didn't mean to do it- but it doesn't change the fact that I did in fact, do it.

"Can me and Carter have the room- just for a moment," Lillian suggested.

My parents shared a glance and they shrugged not having any other suggestions and headed upstairs.

"Come on, let's chat for a bit," Lillian's soft eyes welcomed me and I went along willingly.

I like talking to Lillian. She's always so calm and never passive aggressive either.

"How are you holding up, I know you don't like big crowds and considering the compact size- among other specifics... tell me," she had blue eyes that were soft yet concerned.

"I- I don't know..." I shrugged.

"Help me understand what you don't know..." she had a different approach than what I anticipated.

"I- I can't say," I was running through all sorts of things in my mind.

"Carter?" She made me look at her again.

"Is there something else going on? Something you want to tell rather than just saying?" Her words struck me..

I can't tell her.

I don't want to, she's gonna know too much.

"I don't know how to file taxes..." I mumbled.

"That's completely random, and I don't have to say that you already know that," she softly nudged me.

"Ugh but I don't! What am I gonna do with over a quarter of a million dollars?" I sighed.

"I'm sorry?!" She almost yelped.

"Exactly!" I was getting worked up.

"Where did you get that kind of money?" She placed a hand on the back of my shoulder.

"The wedding, oh for fuck sake it wasn't even a wedding. It was a scandal unraveling before my eyes! And then I was given hush money to not say anything about it! It's sitting in my account before I had that meeting with the head master. I'm just waiting for the right time to write the check and give it to the symphony! It's so- I HAVE TO PAY TAXES ON THIS!" I was getting overwhelmed.

"Oh my..." Lillian sat back in her seat.

Now she sees my situation isn't entirely random. There's some relation to it- but as smart as she is... she knows it's the tip of the iceberg.

"Jeez Lillian, that's not even the worst of it. I can't be with Eleanora until after I win the competition, sign the check and then have the new donor come in-

"Wait, you have a donor to replace-

"Yes! I've been a very busy person thank you very much. At the wedding, the groom's step daughter promised me a new donor and that would be her father. It sounds like they won't officially be a new donor for the performing arts until after I mop the floor with Raheem. It's too much!" I was letting everything pour out my head to my lips.

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