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Terrible panic and despair reigned in the square, which had recently been filled with cheerful and joyful people. The mage who adored blood so much was laughing happily as he watched the chaos he created. The whole square was filled with the wounded and the dead, desolation reigned everywhere, the air smelled distinctly of blood.

Screams of horror and pain could be heard as people trapped under the rubble or seriously injured desperately called for help.

"Ugh... it hurts!"

"Somebody help! Please help us!"

"My mom... Somebody help me!"

"AAAAA! My hand! My hand!"

"Someone call a healer urgently!"

"Why aren't they moving?! Guards, there are people under the rubble!"

Redica was smiling contentedly, happily watching how recently a joyful holiday turned into the most terrible day for all the inhabitants of the kingdom of Roan.

He was very happy with his work.

"Ha-ha-ha, so many different shades of red!" he spread his arms in joy and shouted loudly. "Isn't red the best color in the world?"

He laughed again with an iron grip, watching as more or less whole guards and members of the royal family slowly looked around in growing horror.

"You!.." The black-haired sword master who had stopped about half of the bombs looked at him furiously. But he was too far away to get to it.

Redica laughed again, pulling out a teleportation scroll. There were too many wounded and dead right now for anyone to really think about following him. And even if they follow... Well, he will always have time to escape.

Rosalyn seemed to completely agree with him, so now she was using her magic to save at least someone else. In fact, she was already very tired and exhausted, but she wasn't going to just give up and leave people to their fate.

Choi Han glared at the vanished magician, but he had too many problems right now. He grimaced, sadly imagining how many of those who were still alive are now dying under the rubble. He had to hurry.

The few who remained more or less intact also tried to help, but there were too many wounded and killed, and their strength was quickly absorbed by the realization of what had happened. Almost all the high-ranking nobles were killed and seriously injured, losing an arm, leg or eyesight. There were also many other very serious, serious or not so serious injuries.

Alberu, barely getting to his feet from what had happened, slowly closed his eyes, gradually realizing what had happened.

It was an absolute disaster.

Most of the nobles gathered in the square during the attack were seriously injured or incapacitated. The mana bomb explosions were too strong and large-scale, so everyone got hurt one way or another.

Those who somehow escaped serious consequences found themselves under the rubble of buildings, slowly dying in agony from loss of blood or excess weight.

He quickly began giving orders to those mages, guards, and priests who were still on their feet with minimal injuries. It was necessary to urgently organize rescue operations and provide treatment during his lifetime.

He hoped there were more living than dead in the square, but looking at the landscape... I doubted it very much.

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