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The next morning you found a package outside your door, with numerous clothes in your size and style. You knew they were from Niki, and you thanked her greatly. That morning, a letter had also come through your door at sunrise stating that what you needed would be ready for you when you leave and it'll be kept with a guard stationed in the hotel lobby. You sighed with relief when you heard this, thankful that this could be over and done within just a few more weeks. 

Once you ensured that Wilbur was very much still asleep in the bedroom, you changed your trousers and boots into a different pair that Niki had gifted for you before realising that, due to the shackles, you would be unable to remove your shirt or your coat. You groaned in annoyance when you realised this but knew it wasn't the worst thing in the world since you certainly weren't the worst smelling on the ship but it was still annoying. However, what you noticed is that Niki had left you a cloak, one that could be tied around your neck. You smiled at her thoughtfulness and put it on,  fastening the clasp at your neck. The rest of your journey was going to be a long, cold and trechourous one. This would be useful. And even better; it had a hood.

Once you had changed, you wrote a quick note for Wilbur letting him know where you were and then you had gone down to the hotel lobby, requesting someone to collect your things from your room and bring it to the ship, as well as get some provisions brought to it as well. After you had everything done, you went to take a seat at one of the many sofas that sat around the lobby. 

As the hours passed waiting for all the crew members to slowly make their way to the lobby, you filled your time by reading strange books and magazines that had been left in the area, speaking to the occasional worker who remembers you and staring off into the wall, lost in your never ending cycle of doubts that ran through your mind. You had yet to see the guard stationed with the thing you needed, but you decided not to mention it to anyone, believing that maybe they were going to wait until further into the morning for safety reasons. 

By the time all the crew had had their complimentary breakfast, it was well past sunrise, nearly reaching mid-day as you sat in the lobby. Most of the crew had stationed their selves around you, taking up any seats in the corner of the lobby, though, none sat near you. You had a whole six-seater sofa to yourself. No one dared speak to you, yet they all spoke to one another, some even having the audacity to look at you through the corner of their eyes as they so obviously spoke about you. At first, you ignored it, having already been used to it. But, after a while it just became down right disrespectful and so, every time you heard or saw someone talking about you, you stared them directly in the eyes until they noticed you, causing them to immediately shut up. It was sort of funny to you how absolutely petrified they were of you. All due to a silly little rumour. 

Right as you were beginning to get sick of waiting, the last of the crew, that being Puffy and Wilbur, finally emerged into the lobby. And, as if right on cue, from the main entrance of the hotel, a man who stood at a shockingly tall height marched in; his arms were littered with tattoos, his face covered in piercings and his hair the deep red of blood. It seems Quackity replaced you well with head of security. 

As he arrived in the room, you ignored Wilbur and Puffy's entrance and instead made your way directly for the big guy, who, in his arms, held a small box. 

"Is that it?" you asked, staring directly at the box. You knew it was. But you just needed confirmation. 

Although, you knew that it certainly was it, your heart still stopped for a moment when the man nodded. You took in a shaky breath before exhaling and lifting your hands out for the box. Immediately, the box was placed in your arms and he walked away, leaving the hotel. The ornately carved wooden chest, its beauty is tarnished by the dust and dirt that it was abandoned in for only you know how long, now sits in your hands. The ornaments still shone however, and it's clear it was once a symbol of authority, wealth, and power, yet its age now is clear with the dusty, crumbling wood. 

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