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"Luke you coming to the party" Tyler asked as he slung his arm around my shoulder. Smiling I quickly nodded "I need to head back to mine tho" nudging his arm Tyler began to pull me as we walked with the others. "I'll come with ya" shrugging my shoulders I agreed as we said our goodbyes to the others before heading to my car. Quickly hopping in I made sure Tyler was secure before we headed back to mine. "So" I knew what was coming and I'm not surprised they hadn't asked me earlier. "Spit it out" Tyler only chuckled to my words.

"You and Adrian are a thing then" nodding I couldn't help but let a smile creep upon my face as we stopped at a traffic light. Turning to look at Tyler he had a massive smile upon his face before frowning. "Awww my Lukeys been stolen from me" rolling my eyes I pressed on the gas as the light turned Green. "I beg you shut up" laughing Tyler gently hit me on the arm. "But no I'm happy for you" smiling I thanked him as I parked into the driveway. Turning the ignition off we got out before heading inside.

"Just need to change my outfit then we'll be ready to go" nodding Tyler lunged himself on the couch as I headed upstairs to my room. Quickly changing my clothes I looked at myself in the mirror making sure I was somewhat decent. Nodding my head I made my way downstairs only to find Tyler munching on my Ice cream. "Let's go" standing up he took one more spoonful before heading out. Making sure I had everything I locked the door before we got into the car. Driving off the driveway I couldn't help but feel uneasy.

Taking a deep breath we soon made it to the party. Teenagers we're already lounge outside fucked out of their head. Some shoving their tongues down each others throats. You could already smell the alcohol from the house immediately as you stepped out of the car. Locking the doors Tyler walked next to me, his nose scrunching up at the smell. "Reeks" nodding I couldn't help but smile at his face, the look of disgust plastered over it as he looked at a couple eating each others faces. "Get a room freaks" he shouted only for them to stop.

Glaring at us the two headed of somewhere. Shaking my head Tyler opened the door only to have loud music over take our ears. Grabbing my arm he made sure I was behind as he pulled me through the crowds of people before we made it into the kitchen. Letting my arm go he began to pour us some drinks. Whilst we were waiting I couldn't help but feel watched, looking around I met no ones gaze or saw anyone looking at me. Shaking my head I looked back to Tyler as he handed me my cup of whatever he had made us.

Taking a sip of the cup my body on shivered as the sour liquid ran down my throat sending a shiver down my spine. Laughing at my reaction I quickly kicked Tyler in the knee causing him to groan. "Okay okay sorry" he spoke as a smile crept upon my face. "Loser" nudging me in the arm he quickly grabbed mine before pulling me through the groups of people before we made it outside. Letting go of my arm I couldn't help but sigh as the bitter air hit my skin, my nerves relaxing little.

Sitting down on a soft chair Tyler quickly sat next to me. "Wait isn't this your first party" Tyler asked me as a mischievous smile took over his lips. "No shit Tyler" laughing he quickly nudged my arm before taking another sip of his drink, in which I followed letting the liquid slither down into my body. Soon enough we were both on our second drink, we had been none-stop talking for the past hour. I was having a great time, we hadn't seen the other yet but they were probably playing games with other people as they were drunk out of their minds.

Suddenly two arms slung around my shoulders, that familiar scent hitting my nose. "Hello baby" Adrian spoke planting a soft kiss upon my cheek. Smiling I turned around only to have our lips meet. His hand finding my jaw as he stroked it softly. Pulling away he planted another kiss upon my forehead before walking around the chair. Lifting me up he sat down before placing me onto his lap, his arm's immediately wrapping around my waist. "I missed my little boy" he spoke, his husky voice echoing through my ears. Leaning into his touch I merely heard him groan as he adjusted himself under me.

"I missed my big boy to" smiling to my comment he nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. The thumb of his right hand massaging my skin of my hip. "Guys" I heard Scarlett shout as her and the others ran over. She didn't seem that drunk but could almost be tipsy as she almost fell over coming to a halt. We all greeted each other before they sat down in front of us drinks in hand as we all spoke. I couldn't help but feel happy, like all one happy family.

After a while I could feel a certain something press against my ass as Adrian groaned into my ear. I couldn't help but laugh as I adjusted myself teasing him, this only caused him to grip onto my hips tightly. His lips grazing my ear as he leaned down. "Be careful little one" leaning my head onto his shoulder I merely moved my ass once more. This caused him to snap immediately getting up, his hand still on my waist as he pulled me along. "We'll be back guys" he said to the others before interlocking our fingers.

Pulling me through the crowds of people I soon found myself closing a bedroom door. His body immediately pressed against mine, his hands trailing around my waist and up my body. Pressing his dick against me I couldn't help but moan as I felt him nibble the skin of my neck. Running my fingers through his hair I couldn't help but smile as he turned me around. His lip's immediately slammed into mine, hungry leaving no mercy. Wrapping my hands around his neck he pulled our bodies closer as his tongue collided with mine. A soft moan escaped my lips to the feeling.

Pulling away I attempted to catch my breath. Suddenly a rush of dizziness had hit me, my vision becoming blurry. Covering my mouth with my hand I quickly rushed to the bathroom immediately locking the door behind me. Kneeling over the toilet I let the vile liquids escape my system. My chest shooting a strong pain up my body as I convulsed. Gripping onto the toilet seat the rush was soon over, my body collapsing as I softly hit the bathroom floor. My breaths were fast as I watched the ceiling, my heart beat slowing down.

Slowly sitting up I quickly washed water around my mouth before spitting it back out. Looking in the mirror I couldn't help but sneer at how I looked. I looked like I had just been hit by a car, fallen off of a tree even. Fixing my hair a little I quickly remembered that Adrian was outside in the bedroom. Shit, unlocking the door I rushed out only to stop in my tracks.

"What the FUCK"

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