(15) Ahh! Oh hey what are you doing here?

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Ooow! Everything hurts...
Why must I have to deal with this crap!!
I can hear the early morning birds singing in the trees outside, and I feel the first rays of sun gently brushing my face. {very Disney princess}

I slowly open my eyes, taking in the room around me, it's very minimalistic yet still very Alice.
As I'm scanning the room, I see something move out of the corner of my eye, I immediately turn my head a little to see someone sitting on Alice's lounge chair by the window, for a moment I thought it was Jasper due to the hair colour but after looking a second longer I could see his red eyes and the difference in the face...

"Ahhh!" I scream but the stranger immediately shushes me
"Hey! shhh! No need for that." He says
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!!" I yell demandingly
" my name is Afton my lady, I've been sent to watch after you." He explains calmly,
" wait- are you a member of the Volturi?" I question him, a little more calmly
"Yes I am my lady." He answers with a smile, showing me the crest around his neck

As soon as he does that, the door swings open
"Willow are you alright what happened?!" Rosalie questions in a panic, but then she spots Afton
" you better fuck off! Or I'll tear you limb from limb!" She threatens
As the rest of the Cullens appear in the room
"woah! I come in peace, I was sent to make sure she doesn't get hurt." He says, putting his hands in the air sarcastically like he's surrendering

"Afton? Is that you?" Carlisle asks taking a closer look at the vampire.
" it sure is!" He answers
" I don't care who he is, he needs to leave now! He's a danger to Bella!" Edward argues
I roll my eyes, of course! there's a random vampire in the room I'm sleeping in and he's more worried about my sister.. typical!
At this thought Edward turns his head to glare at me.
Oops I forgot he could read my mind...

"Oh yeah sorry I can't do that... well not unless she tells me too!" Afton says pointing towards me
" willow tell him to leave!" Edward barked
" first it's way too early for you to be talking to me like that, and second he's fine.. " I say with annoyance because he is already testing my patience

"What!" Edward yells, ready to start something
"well there's your answer looks like I'm not going anywhere bud." Afton teases as he sits back down on the lounge chair

" Emmett take Edward to go cool off please, and Afton we'll talk about this later but for now you're welcome to stay." Carlisle says
" thank you Carlisle." Afton says with a smirk
and with that Carlisle makes everybody leave the room and Rosalie gives Afton a death stare as she leaves.

"So Afton, the Kings sent you?" I ask
"Yes they did. In fact Lord Caius insisted." He responds
"Did he really? interesting." I say my heart fluttering lightly in my chest, but then weighing down with guilt of what I said..

"So, tell me a bit about yourself?" I say to change the subject
"Haha, well if you insist.. i'm a member of Lord Marcus's personal guard, and I'm usually used for stealth mission because of my power." He explains seemingly happy to be able to talk about himself
" oh really? what is it if you don't mind my asking?"
I ask intrigued to know

Instead of telling me, he just disappears
"What? Where are you?" I say to the room not sure what happened
" i'm still in the chair. my power is invisibility it also makes it so people are unable to sense my presents as well." He says and after the short explanation he reappears
"Oh cool!!" I say in awe
"thank you my lady." He says with a smile

"So I kind of want to go home and change... can we do that?" I asked him
" yes of course. I'll just hang around outside somewhere." He answers
" no way now that I know you're here you're totally staying at my place! And now I've just put all the puzzle pieces together for the perfect lie!" I announce getting up from the bed
"Oh? All right then you are aware don't sleep right?" He questions, not understanding what I mean

Crimson eyes (Caius volturi x Bella's sister-Twilight)Where stories live. Discover now