CHAPTER 52- JUSTICE ~ Farhan 💀

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"ذهبنا بعيدًا في التفكير ونسينا أن الأقدار كانت مكتوبة"

"We went too far in thinking and forgot the destinies were written."

-Mahmoud Darwish.

F A R H A N :-

"And to finish my case, all I would want to convey is that my client's late brother, officer siddque was innocent. The defendant, Gerdezi, allegedly framed him in a murder, and portrait it like a suicide.."

The lawyer I chose, Advocate Humza abbas says, finishing his closing argument.

"It was proved by the evidences provided by my client, officer siddque was falsely charged for theft by officer Karim yildiz and his team who's names were heard in the recording. The defendant had not only framed officer siddque, but the evidences also state that he has been indulged in human trafficking and auctions for a long time. Which was the reason officer siddque wanted to get him arrested."

Feeling overwhelmed, I reach beside me and grab Ayesha's hand, and she squeezes it reassuringly.

"Emir along with his team and everyone working for him, indulging their contribution in his heinous acts should also be punished. Especially Danish Ali, who not only worked for Gerdezi but also planned a deadly bomb attack at the bursa grounds fair in Ankara last month, in attempt to kidnap my client's wife." Ayesha's father, my mamu's voice harden but he continues,

"Ali was found to be involved in various cases with Emir helping him in Money laundering. I request you, your honour to give him one of the most deadly punishment."

"And lastly all I would say, with the live footage recorded by officer siddque, it was clearly shown Gerdezi shot him and cleaned all the evidences. With all the new and old evidences provided your honour, I firmly state Emir Gerdezi is a criminal along with the people working with him."

The tips of my fingers starts getting cold, and I felt ayesha rubbing my palms, it is getting too real now. I am having a hard time believing it.

Is this really happening right now?

The judge nods and looks at the other lawyer who was sweating in his seat.
"Does the defendant have anything to say?"

The lawyer nervously looks down and shakes his head.

The judge sighs and looks ahead,
"With the brief explanation and hearing the closing arguments, I have come to make the decision with the evidences provided to me, that the plaintiff was found to be not guilty and all the allegations put up against late fahad siddque was false and he was framed in a murder. Looking at the lack of evidence on the defendant side, I may announce a death sentence to Emir Gerdezi, to be hanged publicly for his crimes in human trafficking, kidnapping, framed murders and money laundering. Along with a lifetime of imprisonment to Danish Ali for attempted kidnapping and ruining the peace of the city by threat bombing. All the workers working under Emir Gerdezi must be given thirty years imprisonment. I therefore announce that late officer Fahad siddque was not guilty and did not commit a suicide as potrayed previously."

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