Chapter 4: Welcome to The Family!

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Maria was running around in her office getting everything ready for the twins. When Mr. and Ms. Albretch called her telling her they've decided to take them in and make them a part of their family she was more than happy. Miles and Nialls are the two most sweetest kids she ever met but, they went through so much hardship and now they need proper help and a lot of attention. something that unfortunately she won't be able to provide for them in this orphanage. She would never be able to give them the special attention they need with all the kids in this orphanage that too needed to be taken care of, so she was more than happy that the twins will be able to have better opportunities in their new family. She would also make sure to check up on them on their first month there to see how they're doing. If she finished everything she needed to finish today the twins should be on their way to their new home by the end of the day. she already informed the kids and told them to have their backpacks ready with what they wanted to bring. They didn't have much since they came here with nothing but they still have some things that were gifted to them at the start of their stay here, like toothbrushes, clothes, and hairbrushes. Although she does wonder how they're doing right now.


Miles (12) was gently trying to convince Nialls (11) to not bite Ms. Beth as she helped them pack. Ms. Maria had asked her to help the twins.

She was trying to help them as well as she could by picking the clothes they were going to wear, but Nialls really didn't like strangers. He was cautious of her but so was she given he looked like he would pounce the moment she even looked at him wrong. Miles stood between his brother and the young lady, as she set aside the twin's clothes on the bed.

"Alright kiddos, backpacks are packed and clothes for today are separated. you guys go ahead and change clothes and leave your uniforms on the bed, ok?"

Miles gave the woman a shy nod too nervous to talk.

"You can also come downstairs to the cafeteria after, the lunch lady might have a special treat ready!"

She said it rather cheerfully. Niall's glare fell. He looked over to his brother and frowned at the curiosity-filled expression he had. He lost. Beth's smug look made his frown deepen.

He watched as she left with a little pep in her step. 

"11... you're making a grumpy face"

Miles booped Niall's nose to get his attention. Nialls turned his attention back to Miles, eyes softening. He grabbed the clothes from the bed and started to quickly change out of his orphanage uniform.

"I hope they don't hate us..."

Miles began to mumble, but before he could get lost in his own head his brother threw his clothes at his head. He knew Miles, if he left him alone with his thoughts for too long he would spiral and most likely have another one of his 'episodes' he hasn't had one in a long time but Nialls couldn't help but worry. 

Miles sighed seemingly trying to ground himself and quickly changed his clothes, setting his uniform on the bed by his brother's uniform, while Nialls waited. They left towards the cafeteria making their way down the stairs. They walked through the halls towards the big doors of the cafeteria. As soon as they opened the door the cafeteria lady looked towards them and smiled.

"Hi, there! I know we didn't have much time together to get to know one another but I'm glad you two are getting your happy ending. This one's on the house!"

She says cheerfully handing them each a piece of strawberry cake. Miles looked towards the woman wide-eyed before blushing and fidgeting with his hands, feeling very shy.

"T-thank you miss!"

Miles and Nialls both took their cake and sat at a table by the window and ate in silence, and Miles would occasionally steal a strawberry or two from his brother's plate when he wasn't looking. Leaving Nialls a bit confused about where his strawberries were going.

The Twins Found A Happy EndingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ