25. If you meet the in-laws

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It should be illegal for family members to have this much fun about the younger generation's awkward moments. Period.

Once upon a time I'd thought my mom was bad with her sneaky camera work, trying her damn hardest to capture her kid's first kiss (she'd failed). But sitting in Boris' living room, staring at both Boris and Aquila's mom grinning widely at me, was definitely worse. Especially since, right before they started grinning at me, they had both patted Aquila's back like he had accomplished something amazing by getting to kiss me.

Like me, Aquila looked like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole.

"So." Boris clapped his hands together. "I believe some official introductions are in order. Xavier, this is my sister, Ivana. Ivana, Xavier. Aquila's mate."

A flush crept up my cheeks, and I didn't know where to look.

Aquila cringed. "We haven't had that conversation yet, thanks."

"Fine." Ivana shrugged. "Then we will wait a few weeks and then ask again and get it confirmed. I don't know why you're being so shy, Aquila. Your scents are—"

"Not up for discussion, Mom!" Aquila hastily cut Ivana off, gesturing towards me.

Ivana looked confused, just like Aquila had been confused earlier that he wasn't 'allowed' to talk about smells to me. She let the topic go without protesting, but somehow managed to exchange it for an even worse topic. "And what are your future plans, Xavier?" she asked. "Young humans like you often leave this place to learn skills elsewhere in a bigger human school. Are you planning on staying in Pinewood?"

I cleared my throat and resisted the urge to play with the hem of my shirt. "I, uh, I'm not going anywhere until the next school year starts, at least."

"And when the school year starts?" Ivana pressed.

"I don't know yet."

"Perhaps we have some information that may... sway you one way," Boris said. "Remember when I said I had a possible job for you in Pinewood? Well, it has to do with a lot more than just helping Aquila. Though I wouldn't recommend doing exactly what you did with Aquila with everyone." Boris winked.

While my face grew hot, Aquila shifted a little closer to me and growled. Boris' grin only grew wider. Ivana also looked like she was suppressing a smile at her sons's reaction.

"Anyway," Boris continued, "Perhaps you'd already guessed it, but it's not only werewolves out there. There are fey, merfolk, vampires, and many more beings that are looking to establish contact with small human villages such as Pinewood. See it as a series of pilot studies to see if we can live aside each other. To a certain extent."

I gaped at Boris. "Studies?" I repeated. I scratched the back of my neck. "Alright, that's quite a lot to take in. Why exactly are you looking for contact with humans? How long have the werewolves and all these other beings been around?"

"As long or perhaps longer than humans have, Xavier," Ivana said. "The reason why is simple. Humans are the perfect partners. They're versatile and can adjust to- and mate with almost all of us."

I sputtered at Ivana's bluntness. "I see."

"Our numbers are dwindling," Boris added. "We've lived in secret in secluded places for a long time. But something happened... I..." Boris trailed off and shook his head. A shadow passed over his face and then he seemed to make himself smile. "Now, given the circumstances, we can't do that anymore. Live in isolation. We have to seek humans and find human partners, or accept extinction."

"Or Xavier and I can have a proper human date first with before you drop all this on him," Aquila grumbled with crossed arms.

I laughed nervously and rubbed Aquila's arm reassuringly. "It's alright, Aquila. It's a lot, but it's alright." I looked at Boris and Ivana. "I'm really sorry to hear that. About the, uh, extinction. But I'm just a nineteen-year-old tutor and high school graduate. Stopping extinction is a little above my current skill level. What do you expect me to do to help by staying in Pinewood?"

Xavier and the Wolf (Legends of Pinewood 1)Where stories live. Discover now