47. Baby Boy

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Hailey Swanson-💍💍

I groaned, the pains of the contractions worse than I thought.

"I hope they go quicker so we can get to the hospital." I sighed, catching my breath.

"I know honey. You're doing so good." He told me.

"Fuck." I clutched the edge of the counter.

I was literally sweating.

They were worse than last night, but not there yet.

He massaged my back, and my hips and it felt so good.

I heard knocks before Hudson, Connor, Carmen, and Peyton came in.

"Hey honey." Peyton said, her voice so gentle.

"Hi." I smiled at her.

"I need a hair tie." I was so warm.

"I got you mama. Travis told me about this." Connor handed me one.

Peyton stole it, shoving my hair into a messy bun.

"Where's Liv staying?" I asked.

"My best friends house. Her auntie Jane." She smiled.

"I don't mean to handicap you from school and her." I laughed.

"Baby I'm about to be a grandma. At my lovely age of 40. I'm just fine." She laughed.

"That's crazy." Travis smiled.

"I know. You at 16, Liv at 31, grandma at 40. Sounds pretty gilfy." She told me and I looked at her, standing up when one was over.

"What did you just say? Gilfy?" I blinked.

"Grandma id let fuck." She nodded.

"Ewwww." All the boys icked and she laughed.

"Oh please." She scoffed.

"Oh shit." I groaned, my entire lower body feeling paralyzed through this one.

They began coming closer together, at a quick and alarming rate through the next couple hours.

So Travis drove me, Hudson in the back while the other three took Peyton's car.

They took me in, getting me in a robe and hooked up to all sorts of monitors.

I was soon lying in a bed, a woman coming in, checking my dilation.

"5 centimeters." She smiled.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"You have time to rest, you can request an epidural whenever you'd like, we will come in and check progress periodically." She informed me.

I nodded, feeling another one.

"Breath Hailey. It's okay." Travis held my hand.

I smiled at him, so grateful but so guilty he'd been up all night with me.

He looked so tired.

It was about 5 pm.

"You should nap." I told him.

He frowned.

"I'll wake you up for anything, Hudson and I will be up, but you need rest for the birth Travie baby." Peyton smiled.

He clearly hated the idea, but listened to us as he kissed me.

But when he laid down in the little recliner they had he passed out.

"Fuckkkk." I groaned.

"Wanna bounce on the yoga ball? It's a good help." Peyton told me.

I nodded.

Immediately Hudson and Connor were at my sides, helping me up.

They let me go when I was stable and I walked the little monitor guy with me to the ball, Hudson keeping it still as I sat down.

I had my hands on my stomach, lightly bouncing, excited to no longer be pregnant to this capacity.

But I was so fascinated by the fact that this thing that's been inside me for forever will soon be an actual human in this world.

My son. My pride and joy.

And we are naming him after Hudson.

Kaden Lee Swanson.

Kaden is his middle name, Lee being Peyton's.

That meant a lot to Travis. Making it mean everything to me.

But they didn't know.

Not yet.

I consistently took deep breaths, not keeping track of time as nurses came back in, checking on me, now sitting at 7, moving fast.

I was terrified of birthing this baby through my vagina. That shits gonna snap like a rubber band.

"Mom?" I looked at Peyton.

"Yeah?" She smiled at me.

"Did you have a vaginal birth with Travis or Liv?" I asked.

"Both." She nodded.

"Am I gonna die?" I asked and she laughed.

"No. I promise. One thing I've learned," she scooted her chair toward me.

"-when you give birth to a baby, you don't know it yet, but the baby is meant for you. I didn't know with Travis, but after you give birth and you hold the little guy in your arms. You realize that you don't know how you've lived without the baby before this moment. Your body is made for your son Hailey. And it's gonna be a struggle to get him here, but it's meant to happen." She smiled.

"Thank you." I appreciated that so much more than she knew.


I spent my time sipping water, napping, walking around, peeing continuously, and feeling so fucking great after getting the epidural.

I was so free right now.

All the contractions were was pressure, no more pain, I felt so fucking good.

I was so excited to meet my baby boy.

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