9.Sorry Sorry Sorry

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Omega had stolen the Zygerrian's bow and despite Hunter and Alona's protests to get rid of it, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo had decided to teach the girl how to use it.

Every time Omega released her hand from the string and a pink glowing blast flew out Alona would feel her breath hitch. Omega could hardly even pull the string back. Her arms would shake. That affected her release, sending the bolt anywhere but the center of the target.

This time wasn't any different. Echo told Omega to try again. The blonde struggled to pull the string back, her arms shaking violently. A civilian appeared at the bottom of the steps at the same second Omega let go of the string.

Alona gasped and grabbed Hunter's hand, watching the blast of pink energy nearly hit the innocent civilian. Omega cringed. "Sorry!" She shouted after the civilian that fled back up the steps.

Alona and Hunter looked down at their hands, quickly letting go and taking a step away. "Sorry." Alona whispered, crossing her arms over her chest. She kept her eyes on Omega, not wanting to see Hunter's reaction.

Ever since their small...interaction a few days ago things have been a little weird. Alona couldn't stop thinking about his finger on her lip and his emotion she couldn't exactly put a name on. Alona had no idea what that interaction was. His unknown intentions confused her. What was he doing? Why did the air in the room change when he touched her?

What scared her the most was her surprisingly deep desire for him to do it again...or maybe do more than that? Alona couldn't exactly put into words the sudden overwhelming want for his affection.

Anyways, Omega pulled back the string again.

"Steady. Arms level and keep your eye on the target." Echo explained. The target was a bullseye sprayed onto the wall with yellow spray paint.

Omega released and hit the outer ring. She jumped in excitement and turned around to face the squad. "I got it!" She grinned.

"Good. Again." Echo nodded.

Omega frowned. "But I've already hit the target three times." She protested, dropping her shoulders.

"Out of 12. That's luck, Omega, not skill. Soldiers need to be consistent." Echo replied, turning Omega around to keep going. The small blonde sighed in defeat.

Next shot destroys a dejarik table. Alona cringed, looking over at Cid, who was glaring daggers at her. She had a feeling that it wasn't because of the dejarik table, though. It was Cid's personal dislike of Alona.


That one hits the wall a few feet from the bullseye.

"Not exactly a natural, is she?" Wrecker whispered to Alona and Hunter. The latter shrugged. Alona kicked Wrecker's foot, giving him a scolding look.

"She'll get better once she has some muscle on her." Alona added. She chewed on her lip, her nerves spiking when a civilian walked in front of Omega. Luckily no shots were fired.

Cid appeared out of nowhere and smacked Wrecker across the face.

"Hey!" Wrecker said angrily.

"Okay, playtime's over. We need to talk." Cid said without an apology to Wrecker. She turns to the two aliens that are always here drinking and playing dejarik. "You two, scram." She pushes them out the door. She comes back to the squad. "I assume you boys know what a tactical droid is?" Cid asked.

Alona groaned and threw her head back. "Shoot me now." Cid stomped on her foot. "Ow!" She shouted, glaring at the reptilian.

"They were the opera-" Cid gets cut off by Tech.

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