19| Game Time?

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P.O.V: Zach

I sat down at the lunch table with Hazel sitting down across from me. The boys were loud per usual something on a phone was being passed around.

Somewhere down the table I heard Zane say something about a party.

Hayden was looking at me with a cheeky grin.

And Mick imedently started a conversation with Hazel.

I tuned everyone else out to listen to the two of them talk.

"You having an OK day?" He asked and Hazel just shrugged.

He laughed slightly.

"Please tell me you made up with Zach because he's irritating enough without you making him more mad."

"Yeah I talked to him." She said with a short and sweet remark.

"Oh Hazel, Hazel, Hazel. Please tell me you talk to Zach more than me because that kid could really use some pussy-"

"Mick!" Both me and Hazel shouted at the same time earning the rest of the tables attention.

Hazel had a bright red face and her mouth was shut tight, till she spoke pulling out the confidence.

"Whens the last time you had pussy Mick? Is that why you're so curious about Zachs sex life?" She questioned with a raised eye brow the entire table now completely invested.

"Actually, you see that blonde over there? Her names Vicky Morse, fucked her 3 days ago. You happy Hazel?" He stated almost upset.

But Hazel looked content. Like Micks uncomfortablness made her happy like she had won some type of battle.

Zane, who also looked equally amused, interjected into the conversation.

"Well, as exciting as this is..." he said using his finger to point between Mick and Hazel, "is no one going to talk about the after party for next weeks game?"

Hazel seemed to perk up at the mention of a game.

"You have a game next week?" She asked looking directly at me not anyone else.

I sort of bobbed my head to awnser her question.

"Yeah. You can see the ice schedule princess, didn't you know?"

She kind of shook head thinning her lips.

"No, I didn't really pay attention. I was more looking for open skate times."

"Open skate, oh Underwood are you going to learn how to play hockey?" Hayden asked with cheeky grin.

Hazel kind of laughed, which stuck me as weird. Her hair was braided back today so I was able to see every emotion the crossed her face, un hidden.

She held that uncomfortable posture again but I chose to brush it off as she spoke.

"Um no, just skating." She replied

"Back to the party!" Zane shouted cutting everyone off.

We all looked over at him, Micah threw a sandwich wrapper at Zane forcing him to sit down from the standing position he was in.

"No one cares about your stupid party!" Micah shouted.

The whole table erupted into laughter,  I watched as Hazel face formed a small smile. Her eyes showing delight as the boys around her laughed.

"The party can be at my house if it will make you shut up about it." Mick said distant from the conversation.

His eyes were following a girl walking acrossed the lunch room with tight jeans on.

"You fucking play boy." Hazel stated with no remorse behind her voice.

Mick just shrugged and looked back at Hazel.

"You know some girls find it attractive."

"Mick, you're like a car with 5 previous owners." Hazel said causing some boys to chuckled under their breath.


"After so many miles, less people chose to ride the car."

Hayden was about falling out of his seat, holding onto Micahs shoulder for support

"Damn. Underwoods got a point Mick."

"Fuck you Hazel, now after party. It's at my house you coming or not hot shot?" Mick asked

I gave Mick a queastonable look, Hazel didn't seem like the type to go to a party... let alone a hockey party.

"If I'm invited to the game." She replied with a shrug as if the idea of a party didn't seem awful.

Mick bounced in his seat slightly looking like an excited little boy.

"Alright knight in shining armor, youre up."

I hid my blush well as I slightly fiddled with my thumbs under the lunch table.

"Hazel? Want to come watch our hockey game?" The question was so easy to ask yet it felt like I was asking her on a date.

Hazel had never seen me play hockey, not in a game at least. I felt nervous knowing she was going to be at a game.

She thinned her lips as if she was thinking hard, looking up at the sky before a big smile spread across her face.

"Sure, I'd love to watch you play hockey."

The entire table erupted into cheers earning looks from around the lunch room, but in true hockey fashion we didn't care.

"Next week Friday?" She questioned over the noise

And I responded with a yes.

Next week Friday.

Words: 827

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