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Elijah Pov

After Parker had placed Ebont in the back seat, he got in the back seat with her. And I sped off to the hospital, as quickly as possible. I didn't care if the police try to pull me over because all I cared about was getting Ebony to the hospital, as fast as possible.

It takes 30 minutes to get to the hospital from the restaurant, but it only took me 15 minutes to get there. When I pull up to the hospital, I didn't waste time trying to find a parking space. I parked right from the hospital because one of our guards will come and park the car for us. Parker was already out of the car, with Ebony in his arms. Running to the reception desk, I tell the lady there that we need a doctor.

She gets on the intercom to call a doctor. Not long after a doctor comes running to the reception desk.  I didn't realize who the doctor was until he turned around. Once the doctor had turned around, I saw that the doctor was Matt.

I had forgotten that Matt works at this hospital. But not only does he work here, he is the head doctor of this hospital.  Once Matt had seen me, he and another nurse rushed over to us with the bed and told Parker to Ebony on the bed.  After Parker had placed Ebony on the bed, they started to ask us questions about what had happened. We told them that she was shot in the abdomen, then they ask us if there was an exit wound. We said no, so they took Ebony to surgery.

While the nurse rushed Ebony into surgery, Matt told us to wait in the waiting room. While he went to perform the surgery since Ebony was a close friend and Rachel probably kill him if he didn't.

" Don't tell anybody, that Ebony is in the hospital" Matt said, running to the operating room.

" Why?" Parker asked.

" I will tell you after she gets out of  surgery."

We sat in that waiting room for what felt like an eternity, but in reality, we were only in the waiting room for about 4 hours.

Finally, we see Matt coming out of the operating room. With some nurses behind him, pushing a bed that held a paled Ebony. We ran up to him and asked how she was. He said she was stable, but still in critical condition. 

During the time we were sitting in the waiting room, we had requested that Ebony stay in a VIP room. We wanted her to have her privacy, so we could also have our privacy. 

They took her to a VIP room that we had requested, and when all the nurses had left. Matt started to tell us why we couldn't tell anyone that Ebony was in the hospital.

" Ebony never would tell anyone, if  she was seriously hurt or sick."

" Why?" I asked. 

" She never really had the best past, when her father was around".

" During our teenage years, I saw how her dad would comment about everything she did.  But after her parents had gotten divorced, he slowly stop coming around. Then he stopped  showing up altogether."  Parker said.

" I remember one day Rachel had come home upset because Ebony had found out that her father had died. Rachel said Ebony wasn't herself for a while." I said.

" That's the thing, I don't think her dad just died out of the blue. I think Todd had something to do with her dad's death" Matt said. 

" We'll look into what happened back then, but I have a feeling that whatever we find is not going to be good," I said with a sigh.

" Anyway, Ebony should recover in the next couple of weeks".

" Ok, but when will she wake," I asked

" In the next few days"

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