Chapter Three The Hogwarts express?

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Eira's POV
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Me and Grayson stand in front of the train station and I can't help the feeling of nerves in my stomach.

Can we really pull this off? Are we being stupid?

"You okay Jameson?"
" you're looking at bit pale"

"Fine" I say quickly

He quirks a brow at me with suspicious eyes

"You know if you're nervous maybe we can play a game on the train"
"To get to know each other better"

"Help us prepare a bit"

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea" I say twiddling my thumbs

The train finally pulls up in the station and I'll be damned in looks like the Hogwarts express

"You sure that ain't the Hogwarts express?" Grayson says with wide eyes

"Grayson" I say smacking his arm

He laughs and picks up my bags for me

"You don't have too"

"As your boyfriend I feel like it's my duty"

I give him a little smile and nod

We board the train and sit on opposite sides

"So tell me about yourself" Grayson says practically man spreading

He's very attractive
This man makes me think unholy things

"Um I love to read, write and bake"
"Christmas is a hard time of year for me because my mom died and she used to love Christmas"

He stiffens
But nods

I look out the window of the train as it starts to move

"I would love to be an author one day"

"I'm sure you'll be fantastic author"

"Thank you" I say quietly

"What about you Grayson? "

"Well I love hockey and skating and would love to do that someday"

"I also enjoy cooking"

I nod

"Christmas is hard for me too because my mom is sick and I don't know if it's going to be the last one so I try to make it special for her every year."

Something stops in my heart and I know I'm making the right decision by going with him

Maybe there's more to Grayson that meets the eye

I take his hand wrap my pinky around his

"I promise to make this Christmas special for your mother"

"And I promise the same to you Jameson I'll make it special for your family as well"

"Do you really think we can do this?"

"I don't have a doubt in my mind" he flashes a reassuring smile that makes my heart do a weird flip


"Eira wake up" Grayson shakes me gently

I blink a few times and realize I fell asleep

"Did I sleep the whole time?"


"I'm sorry"

"It's okay you need the sleep"

We make our way of the train and decide to take a cab the rest of the way

After another hour of chit chatting we finally arrive at my house

Me and Grayson get all our luggage out of the cab and stand in front of my house

Another wave of nerves rushes through me

Grayson puts a comforting hand on my shoulder

"Relax it's gonna be fine"

"Grayson after I ring this door bell we are officially a couple"

He nods calmly as least one of us thinks we'll be okay

I ring the door bell and it all happens so quickly granny is out of the door faster then a cheetah

She practically jumps on him and gives him a huge hug

"You are such a handsome man"

"Grandma!" I yell

"Let us in its freezing"

"Wait wait I just wanna get a good look at him" she pushes me in while Grayson is staring at her with wide eyes and smile

"Come in dear"

"Hi dad"

He doesn't say anything and gives me a half hug

My little sister Milly and brother Marcus come racing down the stairs

"Eira's home!" Milly screams

"Hey squirt" I say playing with her hair
My brother is shy and quiet and Milly usually does all the talking for him

"Hi sissy" he whispers
"Hey sweet boy miss me?"

He nods and hugs me tightly

"Who's that? " Milly asks with a big smile

"I'm Grayson"

"Everyone this is Grayson, My boyfriend" I say with a wobbly smile I hope they bought that

Both kids jump on him and he picks up them up both with one hand

Damn he's strong

"Hey grandpa" I say he looks at me with puzzled expression

"Which one are you again?"

"Your granddaughter Eira"

"Oh yeah bring it here kid"

I give him a hug and look to see where my dad went but he's nowhere to be found

"We put you both on the third floor upstairs there only is one bed but it's fine y'all are dating"

"We're sleeping In the same room? I ask startled

"Well it's not like you guys haven't done it before best to make you most comfortable"

"Just no sex there's children in the house" she points at Grayson
He laughs gently

I flush all the way to my hairline
"Thank you grandma me and Grayson are going to go get situated"

Grayson still as cool as cucumber nods and decides to carry all our language and gives me a tiny bag

"I could have helped you know"

"I saw you at the train station you could barely lift your carry on into the overhang"

I roll my eyes and once we get to the third floor I groan

Grandma was right there really is one bed I wanna go back the Hogwarts express

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Thanks for reading
You really thought I wasn't gonna squeak the one bed trope ha you thought wrong

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