Ch-56 Dreamy Look

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Lu Xi entered in her bedroom, after laying on her bed she took the remote control of the tv and pressed the button but it opened but there was not even a single channel broadcast even after pressing the button so many times and changing channels so many time, she guessed that tv broadcast maybe will not be broadcast now.

She changed it to her mobile phone, speed was very slow but it was still working now, she checked the news but there was still nothing new but about zombies and how its growing into alot of zombies but still it shows that so many people became zombie's prey and people lost their lives.

She closed her phone and lay on the bed and closed her eyes, but after closing it for a while now all she can think about previous things, so many zombies, her killing them, but after killing so many zombies, there were still so many zombies who killed others too. After thinking and thinking like this, don't know when she slept but when she woke up it was more than 7 in the morning.

She went to the bathroom from fresh up then had a breakfast. Since she didn't ate last night she felt very hungry and then ate a lot.

After eating and some rest, she washed the dishes and then entered her space to check it. When she checked the warehouse, it has so much that she didn't believe it that she unknowingly took so much and so many things but still she felt very happy that her smile couldn't be put away.

She then went to check other things, everything was normal and everything was in order. Automatic processer in her space worked on both animals and plants, every once in a while automatic processer worked and killed the animals of more than a limit and also processed on plants and she just needs to spw but space works on other things, it's really very convenient for her to do anything with the help of the space.

After all that, she came out of the space and then got ready to go out. She wore full sleeves brown shirt and pants, after shirt she carried brown leather jacket, and at feet she wore sports shoes. Her dressed on her snow white body with silver hair, her bony long fingers were tying the show laces of her shoes and her looks made her look like an elf which came out of dream.

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