Part 17

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After breakfast Angelina went to there room. She was feeling little low after whatever happened during breakfast.
She thought to tahe her mind off the topic so she decided to arrange her cupboard properly. She skipped luch as she was not very hungry.

While arranging her jwellery she noticed that one of her necklace and earrings set is missing and that was very important necklace for her and also her favorite.
She always keep it safe with her but yesterday maids shifted her stuff so she didn't know where they kept it.
She started searching for it. She looked in her whole room but didn't find it. She checked twice thrice but didn't found it.
She decided to check in Dante's room but didn't found it there also.

It was 4:00 pm now she has been searching for it since one hour but didn't found the necklace and it's earrings so she went down to ask maids about it. When she asked the maids they also didn't saw the necklace.

Being disappointed she went to her room and cried as that necklace set means a lot to her. She was blaming herself for her carelessness. After an hour she stopped crying and went downstairs to drink some water.

When she went downstairs she noticed all her siblings sitting in the living room talking. She felt more sad that they didn't even bothered to ask about her.

She directly went to kitchen and drank some water. After drinking water she was about to go to her room when Lorenzo call her.
" Angelina why don't you sit with us and talk." Lorenzo said. Angelina wanted to decline but she didn't felt like hurting him so she went and sat on the couch opposite to Amelia.
"Hey, you don't look fine are you ok?" Lorenzo asked seeing her red eyes and nose due to crying.
" Yes, I am fine it's just I caught cold and was sleeping." She lied.
" Oh, just take some medicine and rest." Lorenzo said.
Angelina was surprised by his gesture as she thought that non of them cared about her.

While sitting there her eyes went on Amelia who was sitting opposite to her. When she looked carefully she noticed Amelia was wearing her earings from the necklace set she has being searching since hours. So she asked her.

" Amelia aren't that my earings that you are wearing." Angelina asked suddenly.
Everyone stopped talking.

Angelina was angry on Amelia for taking her stuff without her permission but didn't show it. It's not like she doesn't like to share her things but that necklace set is special for her.
" Oh, yeah When I was in your room I found it there and I really liked it so I took it. Hope you don't mind." Amelia said.
" But you could have atleast asked me before taking it. I have been searching for its since hours." Angelina said little loudly.
" Why are you getting angry it's just a earings I thought you won't mind sharing stuff with me but I guess I was wrong." Amelia replied

" Angelina why the hell are you making fuss over small things it's just a earrings for God sake." Luca said
" I am not making any fuss it was her mistake she should not take my things without asking me." Angelina replied
Everyone was shocked cuz she never talk back to anyone.

" Why are you overreacting it was. Just a necklace set. You can have hundred of more like this." Amelia said annoyed

" Ok enough all of you." Luciano interrupted
" Amelia you should not take her stuff without asking her and Angelina you should share your things with your sisters.m both of you were wrong so say sorry to each other." Luciano said.

" Why should I say sorry for, I wasn't the one to take her stuff without asking." Angelina said as it was beyond her limit now.
" Why are you being mean Angelina just say sorry and finish it off." Matteo said.
Angelina just can't believe it.
" Do you know what just end it off. You give me back my necklace set and it's ok." Angelina said.

" You are so selfish Angelina it is just a necklace set that Amelia took of which you made such a scene and you are even asking it back. You have like dozens of necklace set in your cupboard but still you want this wow." Ariana said rudely.
Angelina stayed quite to see if any of her brother defend her but all of them kept quiet.

" Amelia just took your necklace so you are making drama but you took my brother away what should I do." Ariana said. Angelina looked at her questioning
"Don't look at me innocently. I was Dante's favourite in childhood but now he just roams behind you and don't give time to us. He just talks with you nicely. You stole my brother my me." Ariana said angrily

" He is my brother too. And I haven't stolen him from anyone." Angelina said
" But we both were away from all of them for years and you were with them you got all of there attention and love but still when we came back you can't see them giving us attention. You are so selfish. " Amelia said

Listening this Angelina chuckled a bit. All her brothers were also taken a back and were thinking if they really gave her attention.
" You don't know anything believe me it wasn't how you guys think all this year's without you were. And I had spend most of this year's in the hostel even I wasn't with them always." Angelina replied.

Ariana was about to say something when Alexander said.
" Shut up all of you not a single word now." Everyone went silent after that.
" Angelina, Ariana and Amelia you three are grounded for a week and I want your phone and other electronic gadgets in my office after dinner. And I don't want to hear any complaint or the punishment will be double.Am I clear." Alexander said sternly.
The girls just nodded there head.

" Amelia give that necklace to me now." Alexander said. Amelia handed the necklace and earrings to him.
" Just because of this things you were fighting with your sister Angelina. You should always share things with your siblings and Ariana even you should not take others stuff without there permission. Now both of you apologise to each other." Alexander said
" But I wasn't at fault to say sorry." Angelina said in a cracked voice.
Alexander got angry and threw the necklace somewhere far.
Everyone was stunned by this.

" What have you done do you even know how much that necklace meant to me." Angelina yelled at him.while crying.
Everyone was shocked as she never raise voice at anyone and now she was yelling at Alexander.
" Angelina" Alexander wanted to scold her but was cut off by Angelina.
" Shut up just shut up how could you just throw it like that. Do you even know how especial it was for me. I always keep it with me it was given to me by someone special." Angelina said while crying heavily now.
All her brothers felt bad to see her like this. Lorenzo was about to say something when she went from there.
" You shouldn't have thrown that necklace it seems special to her." Lorenzo said to Alexander.
" She was being disrespectful." Alexander said.
All of them were quite for sometime.
After that all went to there room Amelia was feeling happy to see Angelina like that.

Meanwhile Angelina..........

Hey guys
hope you like this chapter
Next chapter will be coming soon
Till then take care,
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