chapter 23

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i woke up again this time strapped to a bed, i was in a starfish position

i opened my eyes abit and saw the twins standing next to damiens twin

i don't think they realised that wasn't damien, they looked so innocent.

"daddy is mommy okay?" aiden asked looking at the sick bastard

"oh yess she's doing just fine" he smirked

two men came in and held the twins as Damien's twin started walking to the bed, no...

I yelled trying my best to get out.

just then one of the guys hit aiden
oh your dead, as i tried getting out the other one hit scarlett as she started crying

aiden tried getting out off the mans grip to help his sister but it was not use

"the more you struggle the more they are going to get hurt" he said smiling

he started unzipping his pants, i wanted to scream and try to get out but i couldn't cause then the twins would get hurt.

"you can do whatever you want to me please just take the twins out and don't hurt them please" i cried looking at their faces with tears rolling down my cheeks

he waved his hand as the men took the twins out

my legs were already spread with the ropes holding my feet i tried to close my legs but i couldn't.

i prayed that someone would save me since i couldn't save myself, i felt like a helpless little girl again

i hated feeling helpless, i promised never to feel like that again yet i do

he got on top of me as i tried getting out

"i can bring those pieces of trash back in if you don't stop" i had to there was nothing i could do

anything i did could harm them and as a mother you want your kids to have a better life then you did.

he entered me and started thrusting into me as i cried, i wished for someone but there was no one, no one to save me

i started having a panic as i started passing out, he then slapped me in the face

"look at me while I'm fucking you" he smirked evily as i cried even more.

after awhile he stopped and pulled out and stabbed me, i was happy it was finally over but then stab hurt

he untied me as i crumbled into a ball discussted, i felt like shit but there's time for that later

as soon as his back was facing me i took the lamp next to me and smashed it over his head as he fell down

i tied him tight to the bed in a way i learned that's impossible to get out of and slowly opened the door

i heard some gunshots and there were no guards, i searched for the twins and opened a door they were passed out full of blood.
no no no no

i hurried over to them and felt their pulse, they were still alive thank god

i picked them up and felt a sting realising i was bleeding a lot but I didn't care, i ran out and walked almost falling from blood loss

i saw a door that was leading out as i walked out and...

"devina" i heard before passing out


i woke up to the bright lights above the hospital room I'm guessing

i saw dad sleeping in the chair next to the bed and I've never been so happy in my life

"d-a-d" i managed to get out with my dry throat, he woke up instantly and looked at me with happiness all over his face

"oh my god bambino, I'm so glad you're awake" he handed me some water and it felt so good going down my throat

"where's the twins" and just then my two babies walked in smiling with damien next to them, he had a sad smile on his face but i was happy

no the fact that his twin raped me didn't change the love i had for him i knew they weren't the same person

"where is that mother fu- , where is he" i shot up

"waiting to be tortured love" he said as i relaxed and layed back down

he helped the twins onto the bed, aiden had a cast on his arm with some cuts on his face and scarlett had some cuts and bruises which made me mad but. i kept myself in as i hugged them tightly

"hello Ms Morretti i see you're awake, and how are you feeling?" the doctor asked walking in

"great" i smiled at her

"so you had a stab to the stomach but luckily your baby survived, wait I'm finding out again IN THE HOSPITAL that I'm pregnant your kidding

"but the pregnancy test said negative" i said confused

"oh yess those things can be wrong sometimes" he replied checking off something on her board thingy

"imma have another grandbaby" my dad jumped up but then regaining his posture acting like he did not just act like a two year old

i laughed as i looked at him

just then my family walked in like fr the whole family the room was full

"wow, you sure got a big family" the doctor said with wide eyes as we laughed abit.


i got discharged and headed home

i put the twins to bed and made my way to the cell pedro damien's brother was in and saw damien wanting for me there already

i woke him up with boiling hot water opposite of what he did with me

he woke up screaming trying to get up as i smiled

"hello pedro" i said smirking evily

"what the fuck" he said as a deadly smile cam onto my face and let me tell you he looked like he was gonna piss himself.

"you kind off look like your gonna piss yourself letme help you with that" i said as i cut his dick off, he let out a painful scream as i laughed

i took a burning plate to stop the bleeding, just don't want him dying yet do we?

i then took a knife a cut every one off his fingers he used to rape me
more screams came after every single finger and i then stopped the bleeding of that too

then went for then ears i mean he couldn't hear when i begged him to stop so he don need them

i then plunged a knife into his one eye, obviously after every single thing i stopped the blood

why juat one eye well lets just say i want him to see me as i cut off every part off his body...


yeahhhhhhhh I'm not continueing
with that lol hope you enjoyed tho love ya

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