Chapter - 4

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Myra's POV

"Mam we have reached" my trance was broken by driver's professional tone.

I took deep breath to look forward. There was glorious Singhania Mansion standing in front of me.

Driver opened door for me and I stepped down. My heart was thudded inside my ribcage with every step.

'Why life is so strange, when I thought everything is fine. Everything is sorted out. Destiny again trapped me in her games.'

'Wow, today I am getting married. Or am I getting sacrificed on the name of humanity.'

'Whatever it is I have no regrets, I am doing this only for two precious gems I have in my life.'

'What is an irony of my life, even today, I am alone.'

"This way Ms. Sehgal" one of maid showed me way towards study room.

Deadly silence of the house formed sweat droplets on my forehead.

Study room's door opened and I felt huge burden on my heart. My legs started wobbling as I lost strength of my body. My vision became blurred.

I closed my eyes for a moment to gain equilibrium of my mental state.

'I have to do it. I will do it.' Again I chanted gulping my own unshed tears.

When I opened my eyes, I was already standing in middle of the study room.

I could see Mr. Dev Singhania sitting on arm chair, besides him there was one old person, I guess he is the Marriage Registrar, and then there was one more man sitting beside them, Niren. My would be husband's brother.

All turned to look at me.

"Welcome Myra. Come here. Have a seat." Dev Singhania offered with warm smile.

His voice and Niren as well gave brief look at me.

I nodded my head and took step. I sat there without any word. They kept on discussing something but my mind was wondering elsewhere.

"Dad, Mom is not coming downstairs. She has headache." My ears captured Niren's calculated voice.

"That's ok. Let her take rest." Dev Singhania in his famous nonchalant tone.

"Niren, call your brother to ask where is he?"

I licked my dried lips on the mention of his name. His name always gave me goosebumps which I hate.

"He is here. He is parking his car." Niren cut call.

'Shit. Finally its the time to face him.'

My heart started running with jet speed.

Neil entered inside study room carrying Neev's carseat.

I glanced at little innocent baby, he was sleeping with pouty face. 'Was he crying earlier?'

Neil took a seat besides mine with stone face. My eyes were moving towards Neev's sleeping figure.

"Should we start Mr. Singhania." Registrar broke the silence of the room.

It was curt nod from Neil.

"Mr. Neil Singhania, do you take Ms. Myra Sehgal as your legally wedded wife?"

"Yes" it was straightforward, cold, with no emotions.

"Ms. Myra Sehgal, do you take Mr. Neil Singhania as your legally wedded husband?"

Tears threatened to come out from my eyes. I blinked continuously to push them back. 'This is not what I had expected.'

"Ms. Myra Sehgal, do you take Mr. Neil Singhania as your legally wedded husband?" Registrar asked me again.

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