Chapter 19

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“Tell me again why you didn’t go on your way home?”

I asked this simple question as Dannon, Garrett, and I piled into the backseat of my mom’s car. I glanced at Dannon as he plopped next to me.  I was a little surprised that she hadn’t sent Dannon home right away.  I mean, he was supposed to go home last night.  But she didn’t, and now we were in the car on our way to the one, the only, Wal-Mart!

Why were we going to Wal-Mart, you ask?  For a very, very important reason: we were in a vital need of milk.

Yes, because the gas station down the road didn’t have a lovely supply!

“I will tell you again: I forgot.”  My mom rolled her eyes, shutting the driver’s door behind her.  She buckled in, twisting around to look at us.  When she saw me crammed into the middle seat—as usual—she let out a laugh.  “You seem to be in your correct seat, my sweetie.”

I crossed my arms over my chest, cocking an eyebrow at her.  “Oh hardy har, Ma.”  I paused for a moment before adding, “And why did we have to come?”

Garrett draped an arm over my shoulder.  ‘Because we need to get out of the house,” he drawled mockingly.  “Because it would be nice to see the nice sunshine—”

“Of florescent lights?” I retorted, shaking off his arm.  Dannon chuckled from beside me.  I glanced at him and smiled.

“Of course!” Garrett exclaimed with a grin.  “OMG, Mom, can we like go to the toys?”

“You do know that pretty much no one says ‘OMG’ anymore, right?”  I shot him a strange look.  He really creeped me out.  You would think that after seventeen years of putting up with his abnormal-ness, I’d be used to it, but I wasn’t.

“Poppy cock!” Garrett shook his head.  “Anywho, Mother, can we?”

My mom started the car, pulling out of the driveway.  She shot Garrett a disbelieving look from the rearview mirror.  I bet that she thought he’d mature in college, lose the childish edge he seemed to keep with him all through his teen years.  Tch.  Like that would happen.  Garrett was a kid for life.  “I suppose so,” she muttered, licking her bottom lip.

“Yay!” Garrett exclaimed, clapping his hands.

“I’m not going to toys,” I declared.  I could just tell by the tone of his voice that if I did he would force me to do something that I had absolutely no interest in doing.  Like playing with bouncy balls for example.  Or playing dress-up.  Or his personal favorite, riding around on the little-kid bikes.

“Oh, yes you are!” Garrett opposed immediately.  “Dannon’s going, right Dannon?”

I whirled around, throwing Dannon a stern look.  Let him say no, let him say no. . . .

“Yeah,” Dannon replied with a shrug, apparently not understanding the purpose of my stern expression.  “I don’t see why not.”

I fell back in my seat, my hands flying out in exasperation.  “Of course you don’t!  You’ve never been to toys with this kid.”  I jabbed an accusing finger in Garrett’s direction.  “Five minutes and you’ll be begging to find my mom.”

Dannon smiled.  “We’ll see.”

| It ♥ All ♥ Started ♥ With ♥ An ♥ Apple |

I crossed my arms firmly across my chest, shaking my head and stamping my foot childishly on the tiled floor.  “No,” I snapped, staring sternly at the two boys in front of me.  “Most definitely not.”

It All Started With An AppleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ