Professor McGonagall

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It was now the next day at the end of the school and I was currently walking to the library to meet up with my tutor. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda nervous due to the fact that I was getting help from someone and I hate it when I need help from other people.

But then I'm the same bitch who's love deprived and is desperate for affection.

As I walked in to the library I scan the tables for her and end up coming short when I don't see her. I walk up to the front desk to ask the librarian.

"Hello ma'am! I'm looking for girl that has brown hair. REALLY blue eyes. About this tall?" I say motioning with my hand and putting on my teacher smile. Mr. Harris told me what she looked like to make it easier for me to find her.

She's an old lady with grey hair and those grandma glasses that hang around your neck. She actually reminds me a lot of Professor Mcgonagall. She doesn't even look up to respond to me, she just points to the very far corner of the library then goes back to whatever the hell she was doing.

"Well that was rude." I mutter while walking to the back.

After weaving through like 10 bookshelves, I finally see her tucked away into the a corner table surrounded by drawings and books. She was wearing our school uniform which consisted of a dark grey sweater, a white button up shirt, a maroon tie, and a black belt, pants, and loafers.

She looks up at me while pushing up her glasses, "Hi." She smiles.

That was adorable- Stop it

"Hey." I mutter while dropping my bag and sitting across from her.

My phone dings and I quickly pull it out to see a text from the group chat with Clara and Stella. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the girl opening and closing her mouth trying to form a sentence.

"Uh I'm Mayson." She smiles trying to catch my attention.

I look up to reply to her and as I'm about to reply I get another text from the group chat. I look down and laugh before texting a reply.

Mayson's face falls, "Alright then." She says softly then goes back to her work.

Damn now I feel like an asshole.

I quickly put my phone down, "Sorry I'm Paris and you're Mayson, right?"

Mayson's face quickly brightens again, "Yup! You're here for physics tutoring?" She smiles.

Damn how the hell is she so happy, teach me your ways.

"Unfortunately." I roll my eyes.

Mayson's smile falters a bit, "Well...I know I'm not the greatest teacher but I'll try my best to make this as convenient and likeable as possible."

My eyes widen- Oh shit, did she think I didn't want to be around her?

"No! No- It's fine I just... let's just get started!" I stumble then open my physics book.

"Ok so first things first, how do you like to learn?" She asks while bouncing her knee.

"Uh... by learning? I don't know." I scrunch my eyebrows.

"Yeah but do you like listening, seeing...?

"Oh- well... probably seeing." I say while crossing my legs.

"Great!" She smiles then gets up and walks out.

I blink repeatedly. Sorry- what the hell just happened?

As I'm about to just pack up my stuff and leave, Mayson comes back into the corner pushing a huge whiteboard.

She huffs a breath, "Alright let's get started!" She claps her hands. "Mr. Harris tells me you're learning about power so we'll start with that. What do you know so far?"

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