--The Move--

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"Kennedy Annabelle! Are you ready yet?" My mom yelled upstairs as I finished putting everything into my suitcase, before closing it.

"Yeah, on my way down." I called back as I checked my outfit before heading to my younger sister's room to get her downstairs as well.

" I called back as I checked my outfit before heading to my younger sister's room to get her downstairs as well

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"Hey, Abbs, are you ready to go?" I said once I was in her room.

"No, I don't want to leave our home." She was very frustrated with why we have to pack up and leave the only home our brothers and us have ever known.

"Abagayle." I softly not to upset her anymore. "We are gonna live in a new house with a nice, large yard to run and play in, and just maybe we can finally get a dog."

"But I don't know why we have to move." She says as she hugs her favorite bunny stuffed animal.

"Well, we are moving because Daddy got a new job where he and Mamma grew up. Where Nana, Grandpappy, and Grandad live." I explained to her.

"Will we get to see them more?" She asked.

"Yes, we will get to see them whenever you want." I replied to her.

"Okay then, let's go!" She said as she left her room and ran down stairs to meet our mom. I shook my head and laughed as I picked up a few toys that were not already in her bag and walked it downstairs along with my own suitcase and purse.

"All right girls, are you ready to hit the road?" My mom asked as I grabbed the Gatorade and Banana she left out for me.

"Yeah, we have everything." I said as I grabbed my keys to my car from my purse, and headed to put my bags in the car.

" I said as I grabbed my keys to my car from my purse, and headed to put my bags in the car

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"Okay, I love you girls." My Mom said as she buckled Abby in my backseat. We had decided it would be best for her to drive with me so Mom would be able to make sure Abby's room is ready for her when she and I get there. "Kennedy, drive safe. Let me know anytime that you make a stop. If you need extra gas money, let me know and I will send it to you. I love you both and I will see you at our new home."

"Love you, Mom. Stop worrying, we will be fine." I said as I got situated in my seat with my sunglasses and my Taylor Swift playlist to start off this trip the right way.

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