Part 6

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The Cullens and their friends gather near the meeting place for tomorrow. Summer, spring, and now winter have passed. The snow is sticking to the ground and everyone's nerves are on edge. Carlisle has told everyone that Sapphire is the mate of the three kings. Many said the exact thing as Bella is just giving them her and being done with this. Carlisle also explained the kings don't know about the other Hybrid. They are only coming after Renesmee, not Sapphire. More conversations and small arguments happened until things settled down. They will fight for Renesmee but only half are unsure if they will fight for the queen.

Sapphire sits on a log observing Jacob dump a huge pile of wood and Benjamin alighting them with fire. The alpha walks over to Sapphire and wraps his arms around her. The cold winter temperature blends with the slightly more cold-blooded hybrid. She snuggles into his side and stares into the flames. 

Two pairs of eyes stare at the wolf and hybrid. Bella now known as the shield of the army of witnesses glare at her monstrous child. She feels disgusted in knowing she gave birth to that. Not to mention, Jacob is so close to a monster that killed her. How could he stand himself? How can he stand that?

"Mommy, will Sapphire betray us and let the Volturi kill us?" Renesmee asks her mother wondering about her sister. She and Sapphire may not talk a lot or even bonded to speak but she kinda wished they can spend more time together. If only mommy didn't hate her so.

"I won't let anyone hurt you including that monster. This means I love you more than my heart." Bella gives her real daughter a necklace translating the french writing inside. She pulls Renessmee closer and glares at the monster some more.

"How did it go with Sapphire?" Carlisle walks over to Edward looking at his two daughters.

"Sapphire doesn't want me as her father. I can't blame her. I did shove her out and gave Bella the idea that she killed her. I caused this rift and I feel so guilty. I hope the kings can forgive me." Carlisle looks at his son and sees how much his mistake caused.

"Things will work out and maybe one day Sapphire will forgive you but only if you show it that she matters. Actions speak louder than words."

"I never thanked you for this extraordinary life, Carlisle. Thank you." Carlisle pats his son's shoulder and looks at Esme smiling at him. Most of the Cullens hope Sapphire will appease the kings to spare them. Mistakes happen and need to be fixed.

"Hey, what is going on with you tenderfoot?" The nickname stuck for Emmett. Eyes turn to look at Sapphire and note the frown.

'I wish mom and dad were here.' Everyone hears and sympathy goes over to the child. Jacob wraps an arm around his mate and holds her close. 'This is all my fault.'

"Hey now, this is not your fault."

'It is. If I wasn't such a monster then maybe they wouldn't have left.' Glares fly to Bella. Everyone knows just where the term monster came from.

"Now listen to me." Sapphire looks at Emmett with tears in her eyes. "You are not a monster. You are a special girl and going to be an amazing queen. What happened with Bella is not your fault. you hear me?"


"I don't wanna hear any buts. You are gifted and without you, the kings would still be lonely in their castle. We wouldn't be fighting just for Renesmee but we will be fighting with our queen. Jacob wouldn't have met you and be so happy having his imprint. The Romanians wouldn't turn soft with your cute little pout." Everyone laughed and hear in their minds Sapphire giggle. "Your mother and father are going to come back and they will take you in their arms and give you a giant big hug like I am going to do right now." 

Sapphire giggles and laughter fill everyone's mind making the atmosphere more special. All the vampires that were unsure of fighting for this second hybrid are now convinced. They will fight so much more because she is their queen. The light pierces into the Volturi and brings a new era of vampires. They believe in Sapphire to help them as they will help her.

"Now how about hearing some war stories?" Garrett asks with Kate on his lap. Sapphire nods excited at hearing war stories. The rest of the night is filled with laughter and enjoyment with each other and their queen. 

The morning following nerves skyrockets to the sky. Jacob and the wolves shift and waited for the Volturi to show up to make an appearance. Sam and his pack join the fight because which shifter doesn't want to tear a vampire's head off? It was said that it is safer for Sapphire to sit on Leah's back due to her being her godmother. Sapphire looks at the horizon and takes a deep breath. She is extremely nervous about how the kings will react to her. Will they like her? Will they reject her as her blood has? Is she ever going to see her family again? She really wishes for daddy to be here. He would be able to calm her fears and comfort her.

A treeline of black and red cloaks appears. Sapphire's heart begins to beat harder, it senses the presence of her destiny. Leah beneath her sends comforting words into her mind and Sapphire calms. She looks at her alpha and he nods howling. The packs move forward and emerge from the woods. Leah and Sapphire stand slightly behind Jake since he is the alpha. His form grew big when he finally accepted being an alpha. He is two inches taller than Sam with his alpha blood.

The Volturi stands in a straight line while the Cullens and friends stand in pairs around scattered. Sapphire looks over each Volturi member till her gaze meets the three kings. Marcus is the first to stare at her seeing the golden bonds linking his brothers to her. Aro's eyes also flew over to the girl on the wolf's back. His heart-tugging to just run over and hold her tight. His mate. Caius when seeing the girl on the wolf's back had a completely different reaction than he believed he would have. Instead of disgust and hate, he found himself wishing for the girl to be safe and not fall off the big beast. The kings have found their mate after millenniums. 

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